Common Logo Design Mishaps in Marketing Prints
It is an unfortunate thing, but with all of the different companies popping up here and there every day, logo designs are continuously made and implemented without the proper planning and evaluation necessary. This makes for usually amusing and sometimes embarrassing mishaps when a company logo does not look as right as it should be.
Really, business owners and companies who order commercial printing products cannot blame Ft Worth printers or DFW printers, because the decision on how a company logo should look like is entirely in the hands of the customer and not the printer. In order to emphasize the significance of thorough research and planning a company or business logo, here are some instances when poor logo design can get embarrassing.
a. Poorly worded logos. Most logos are designed around the name and the trade of certain businesses and companies. However, because logos are usually designed to be as small and as unobtrusive as they can be, companies sometimes decide to use acronyms or truncation of the company name for their logos. Sometimes the company name is short enough, but then someone decides to make some changes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, usually, but sometimes people miss some glaring details until it is already too late to fix them. I will give only one example: a company called locum opting to replace the “o” with a heart symbol.
b. Unintentional wrong meaning. The previous example also falls under this category if you still have not realized it, but this one can be a combination of both poor wording as well as poor choice and arrangement of images and design. There may be as many mangled logos like this as there are sub-topics of the unwholesome kind, and the worst part is that not all of these logos are unintentional. I guess you could consider it as a sort of advantage to having a provocative logo, but it is true that a sensual logo can look more interesting to certain people more than others. Companies can sometimes take advantage of this by subtly or blatantly putting in a daring reference in their logo so that people are more likely to notice them. This can backfire quite horribly, though, for obvious reasons.
c. Plagiarism. Let us deviate from the sexual logos and move on to the more formal but no less controversial and offensive logos. Because logos play a huge part in the identity of a company, a business, or an organized event, people take plagiarism very seriously with their logo designs. This is a very reasonable thing to do because there are companies that really do wilfully commit plagiarism. Sometimes, though, the same color combinations and shade, the same images, and altogether just a similar look can be misconstrued for plagiarism even if it is not the case. Either way, this is a pretty embarrassing design mishap to commit.
Here you have three common scenarios in the wonderful world of logo design mishaps. Hopefully, you have a renewed appreciation for the intricacies and importance of logo design and you would not have your Ft Worth printers or DFW printers print out some embarrassing logos for you. There is nothing stopping you from going for some controversial designs, really, but you should think before you act on any of your impulses.