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The scenario is the part of the script that tells the user the frame of mind he should have when performing the  test.   It is really important for the user to really put himself in the proper frame of mind before conducting the test. To make design christian louboutin sure your tester really immerses himself in the scenario you need to make your scenario as engaging as possible.  Be sure to describe the scenario in the form of a story and use concrete, specific details rather than vague generalized wording. Details and a story allow the user to visualize the situation and more easily immerse himself in it.

For example:

“When you got home from work you found the fire department at your home and your house in ashes. You are in shock. You need to contact your insurance company and what you should do now and also find out if they can arrange for a place for you to stay while you get this disaster sorted out.”

is more engaging than:

“You are trying to figure out how to file   a claim on your insurance policy.”
If you haven’t conducted any usability tests on your website then it is very useful to make a list in priority order of:  “What would have motivated a user to land on my site and what tasks does he expect to accomplish now that he is here.”  This list of tasks will be the basis for the tasks you ask the test user to perform on your website.
Since you have a user who has not seen or used your site before it is very useful to get her first impressions of your site. How long does it take her to understand what the site is about. What clues on the page guide and shape her understanding. A good first task is always to ask the user to give you her general impressions of the site when first visiting. Ask her to figure out what the site is about, what the purpose of the site is and to say out loud what makes her think so as she figures it out.
When you word your tasks be sure to present them in a very general way and never use the same language that you use on the website. For example if you want to test the process of buying an electric drill and they are buried  christian louboutin peep toe pumps in your site under hardware / power tools. Write the task as “find the right electric drill that will meet your needs” rather than “Click the link that says hardware. Then click on power tools. Then pick an electric drill.”

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