Things to Do Before You Purchase Long Term Care Insurance
There are quite a lot of things that you can consider before deciding and buying a long term care ins. Below are just some of them:
Analyse your needs. This is very important. Long term care (LTC) plans can really be costly and you would not want to spend money on something that you really do not or might not need. There are various types of health insurances available that may be cheaper but you also must remember that the services and care included in conventional health plans do not include the specialized care provided in an LTC plan. In cases that you become inflicted with a disabling disease or condition, an extended care plan has the ability to cover your needs.
Do research. After you have assessed your needs and is already somehow convinced of the advantages of purchasing an LTCI, it is now time to do research. List down everything you want to know about this specialized care insurance such as costs in your state or particularly in your area, types of policies available, ways to save on premiums, various care settings, and quotes. You can also probe on the reliable carriers so as to have a list of possible options on where to buy your plan.
Get a comprehensive plan. The coverage of care varies in each policy of each company. In selecting a policy, be sure to consider one that can provide comprehensive coverage. This means that the LTCI will cover expenses across a range of settings. So either you will receive home care, get into a nursing home or be cared for in an assisted living facility, your policy got you covered.
While most patients would like to keep their independence and stay at home for care, they should still give second thoughts to buying “home care only” policies. These could not cater to possible instances wherein you may require more skilled care that only nursing homes or another setting can provide.
Know the reliable LTC insurance carriers. There are a lot of companies that offer long term care ins today but how can you know if they are reliable? One way to do this is by reviewing company credentials. How long have they been in the business? Are they financially stable? Are they listed in the state’s insurance department? It is also important to know their claims payment history.
There are ratings agencies that can give you the information you need about insurance carriers. See there if the company you are planning to do business with received a high rating or not. You can also join insurance forums wherein forum members share their experiences with carriers. You can get an idea of who are the best or the worst players in the industry.
Get help from the experts. If you are confronted with problems such as misconceptions or confusion with regard to long term care ins, there are professionals and experts that can help you with these. After consulting your family on your decision of buying an LTC plan, you can consult a financial manager on ways to manage your resources and ways to save on premiums. Next, you can personally talk to an insurance agent and learn of everything you need to know about the policy. Also, there are local State Health Insurance Assistance Program that offers free counselling and information. They are one of the most trusted and reliable sources that can help you.