What is a USDA Loan?
A USDA home loan Florida is the perfect way to finance a home if you have lower income. With a USDA loan, customers receive a fully financed home, with not one dime coming out of their own pockets. Qualified individuals do not even pay closing cost; this is another financed part of the USDA loan. Many years ago, the USDA loan was offered to farmers specifically. Now, this type of loan is seen more commonly in rural homes that have rather large families. There are a few guidelines that one must meet in order to qualify for USDA loans Florida.
In Florida, the amount of the loan one qualifies for varies by county. The highest possible loan available in Florida when funded by the USDA is $196,000. In contrast, some counties offer as low as $133,500. These loans are super easy to qualify for with the minimal guidelines that must be met. First, you must be a citizen of the United States in order to qualify for this loan. Next, you will need to have had a steady income for the past two years straight. Finally, to qualify for a USDA home loan Florida, you will need to meet certain income guidelines. If all of these qualifications are met, it is rather simple to get yourself into that home of your dreams.
Inlanta Mortgage funds hundreds of USDA loans Florida every month. The guidelines are simple, which makes it easier than ever to qualify. Since the loans are funded by the government, they are simpler than ever to qualify for. In fact, there is no need to be a military member or other official; USDA loans are intended for those who could not qualify for a loan otherwise. Joe Fowler with Inlanta Mortgage is always available to assist customers with their loan status. In fact, it is rather simple to apply; just fill out the online form which only takes about ten seconds, then wait for the agent to call you with the news.
There are two types of USDA home loans Florida. First, is the guaranteed home loan which is the most common. The loan is then insured by the USDA which puts the lending institution at risk if the owner defaults on payment. Next, there is the USDA funded home loan. This case is not as common, but is a result of the USDA offering money straight to the homeowner. Both loans are intended to help those who could not get a loan otherwise. The loan assists families with moderate to low income, and covers the down payment as part of the loan.
Whether looking to purchase a home or take out a USDA loan Florida, Inlanta is the perfect company to assist you. Joe Fowler is a professional and dedicated individual who enjoys helping others get into that home they have always dreamed of. To find out if you qualify for one of the USDA loans Florida, fill out the quick form on the website http://www.usdafloridaloans.com. An agent will be assisting you shortly with the news about your loan. Inlanta Mortgage wishes you the best for the future.