Solutions for Effective Controlling of the Brand Counterfeiters

Brand protection is a priority and also a challenge for a business. Every business employs various measures to ensure the safety of its brand. The fake companies are gaining immense profits through high sales of fake products which are extremely cheap. The number of counterfeit operations is increasing each day causing heavy damages to the genuine companies.

The anti-counterfeiting solutions implemented by the genuine businesses sometimes fail to impose effective measures that deter the counterfeiters, and they continue to suffer. Every business needs to realize that they need solutions that can provide overall protection, which includes studying the online activities of the fake companies, keeping a constant vigil without any interruptions to identify the main source, and shut down listings.

Genuine companies should invest in New Momentum’s online brand protection software that delivers exemplary performances. The processes that are deployed are intelligent and intuitive, giving an opportunity to businesses to address illegal sale of product. The New Momentum software tracks the price listings of sellers on auctioning sites like eBay, Amazon, and3rd party sites.

The software religiously tracks all online movements to identify the fake companies. It classifies the sellers based on the indicators specified for each business, and the risk index automatically starts ranking and prioritizing the sellers according to their risk levels. This means the software provides customized solutions based on the requirements of each business. It captures all the information about the sellers and assigns them to different categories. The activities of the suspicious sellers are followed daily and they are rated as per the number of violations recorded.

New Momentum’s solution provides real-time analysis reports through dashboards and captures snapshots as evidence for prosecution purposes. It facilitates the viewing of data through numerous options such as product, time, quantity etc. It maintains audit trails of website listings. Once the investigation process is completed it immediately enforces automatic auction shutdowns. It automatically generates C&D letters to initiate action against the violators.

Many businesses have experienced a favorable turnaround in their revenues with New Momentum’s counterfeit detection solutions.  The software’s commendable performance has helped them gain some exclusive benefits. The effective results demonstrated by New Momentum’s efforts to control brand counterfeiting indicates a risk-free business environment.

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