Basic Facts Regarding Long Term Care Insurance Elimination Period
Planning and deciding which LTC policy option is really not easy, especially if the person involved does not have any idea or is not that familiar with how LTC insurance plans work. There are a lot of things and factors to be considered before he can finally come up with the best and most suitable plan for his future LTC needs. And one important factor that he should consider and bear in mind is the long term care insurance elimination period.
LTC policies are quite expensive, that is why some people find it impractical to acquire, especially because they are now more cautious and concern of their daily needs. For them, it is more important to prioritize the things that are urgently needed than those that can still be delayed or purchased in the future.
But proper planning may just help an individual get favourable rates and policy prices, thus, he does not have to worry about paying for expensive monthly rates anymore. He just has to know and be well informed of the basic and most pertinent details of an LTC insurance plan.
Aside from the three types of LTC insurance plan options that he can choose from, he must also be able to identify the kinds of LTC services and facilities that he will need in the future so that he would be somehow able to get an approximate quotation for his possible insurance policy.
The long term care insurance elimination period must also be determined beforehand because the rates and other prices of the LTC insurance plan of a particular individual would also depend on this.
The elimination period may be from 0 to 365 days or higher, depending on what the insurance provider offers. But the most common elimination period that most insured individuals choose is 90 days because of, mostly, financial reasons.
An LTC insurance plan’s elimination period is also known as the “waiting period” that the insured person must wait for before he can receive or claim payment for the services he incurred. Always remember that the longer the elimination period is, the higher chances of getting cheaper monthly premiums.
But the individual should know his financial capacities before deciding about his elimination period, so that he can maximize his other financial resources, and at the same time, have the chance of paying for lower monthly rates.
It is also important to note that the person must be chronically ill, and must also been receiving primary services aside from hospice and respite care before some benefits can become payable. But this may vary depending on the type of the LTC insurance plan that the person has purchased, and also depending on the services and facilities covered.
There are varying guidelines and requirements for each insurance provider regarding long term care insurance elimination period, so it is strongly advised to seek an insurance agent’s help and make sure that the individual who is going to buy his LTC policy fully understands everything to avoid misunderstanding and confusion when the time comes that he has to avail his plan’s benefits