While Booting Windows 7 Black Screen Appears
Usually, when we buy most laptops and desktops, we find Windows 7 already pre-installed. The worst, the Windows installation disc may not be included. Hence, it may be a headache if windows 7 becomes corrupt or fails to boot up! If you are here because you are experiencing any windows 7 booting problem, so you are in the right place. This article will walk you through the solution and how to resolve booting issues without technical term or professional skills.
First of all, to resolve any problem related to windows 7 booting, an emergency boot disk for Windows 7 can help to boot the corrupted windows7. All you need is to insert the bootable cd or USB drive to boot up your Windows.
Black screen with no information
One common symptom of windows 7 boot failure is the black screen with no information. In fact, for Windows7 to boot, it needs four things to work successfully and systematically: boot sector, MBR (Master Boot Record, BIOS (Basic Input/output System), and NTLDR file. In case of any of the previous elements damaged or corrupted, the booting process will fail and it is likely to see the black screen. Indeed, the corruption may due to virus infection, improper shutdown or installing a new device that is not compatible. Sadly, black screen appearance means you cannot access you hard drive data. Now you need to overcome this black screen and get your data. So, keep reading to know how to resolve the problem easily and professionally as well.
Backing up the hard drive data is recommended strongly to be in the safe side in the emergency cases.
If you have backed up your hard drive, you are lucky and no need to worry at all. Nevertheless, there is evidence by some case studies that most of users do not care about backing up their hard disk data. If you one of those, be calm and read on.
As mentioned before there are main reasons for the black screen appearance. The first reason is the improper shutdown which can cause the file system to corrupt. If user upgraded to improper CPU or RAM, it is likely to see this black screen. Also, the installation of incompatible device drive is another reason for black screen. Just avoid any of the previous reasons to avoid the appearance of this annoying screen
Now, it is time to tell the solution, you need an emergency windows 7 boot disk or windows 7 boot disc. This is usually a bootable disk or USB by which you can reboot your system. Once you success to reboot from the emergency disk, you can the advantages of the recommended reason for failure. Just click the main reason, and you have done. Nothing else, the Emergency boot up cd can do the heavy duty job for you.
By the latest technology our life has become easier especially when it comes to computer maintenance. By picking a perfect boot disk for Windows 7 or USB, you can repair the black screen problem easily.