Customs Broker Training: How to Get a Customs Broker License in the U.S.
Custom brokers in the United States are individuals, groups or corporations that assist importers and exporters meet Federal requirements for the transport and delivery of their products. All customs brokers and brokerage needs to have a license before he can offer his services to his clients. Customs brokers in the U.S. are regulated, licensed and empowered by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection or CBP. Currently, there are almost 12,000 licensed custom brokers in the country that can do entry procedures, filling up the needed paper work and requirements, classification, evaluation, computation of taxes and other charges, and a lot more. A Customs broker training is a good time to learn as much as you can about how the industry operates, and as such you have to be focus during your training.
Just like customs brokers, a customs brokerage or firm should also apply for a customs license in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. A customs brokerage company should also have at least one licensed customs broker that can function as a licensing officer, partner or associate. They must comply with this rule within 120 days or less. Failure to do so can cause the customs brokerage to lose its license.
Taking the Customs Broker License Examination
The minimum age for the Custom Broker exam is 21 years old. He must have a good moral character and not be employed as an employee of the Federal government. For an individual to become a licensed customs broker, he must first pass the Customs Broker License Examination. After that he must submit his customs broker application and pay the corresponding fees. The CBP will conduct a thorough check on your identity and your exam results before approving your customs broker license. The CBP will get a finger analysis, and they will conduct a review of character reference of you. They can also check out your credit history. Any criminal record will lead to your disapproval.
The customs broker exam is an open book type of exam composed of 80 multiple type of questions. The candidate is given 4 hours to complete the test. Included in the exam are topics coming from the:
• Specified Customs Directives
• Customs and Trade Automated Interface Requirements document (CATAIR)
• Title 19, Code of Federal Regulations
• The Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)
For those who want to take up customs brokering but has no solid background about the industry, going first to a customs broker training program or downloading a lot of custom broker training materials is a must. The passing score of the exam is 75% or higher.
People who fail to pass the exam can always try again in the future. You can also make an appeal based on 19 CFR 111.13, should you feel you have evidence that you have enough right answers to pass the exam.
The Customs Broker License Examination is usually given in CPA ports all across the nation twice a year. The first scheduled exam is usually set on the first Monday of April, while the second exam is scheduled every first Monday of October. You should submit your application and a $200 exam fee to the CBP port director or exam officer at least 30 days before the exam takes place. Adequate preparation for your licensure exam start from the very first session of your customs broker training. Focus, diligence, discipline and a winning attitude will help you get your customs broker license.