Oil Paintings – Adding Recycled Material Makes For Added Interest

Lovers of oil paintings know how inspiring it is to have a beautiful canvas hanging on their wall. Many owners and especially curators, need to replace and rotate their artwork so their walls stay fresh with inspiration. Adding a canvas from an artist who has incorporated mixed media elements into their work can be a welcome change.

The need to create and invent has been part of the human spirit since the beginning of time. Paintings have been created, since cavemen smeared blood on stone walls. Artists throughout the centuries have always applied colorant to their living spaces to decorate their surroundings. They often added other materials to their artwork to create textures and shapes they could not produce just with pigment.

Today, modern manufacturing has created an almost limitless array of products for the artist to use in their work. Many artists integrate the materials produced to create art that has a modern type of finish. Many will include plastic products, metals, wood pieces, and paper products in their art. There are even new kinds of glue and transfer mediums to use.

As well, there is a much greater awareness of art than ever before in human history. The internet has allowed people to see art from around the world that they would otherwise never view. Artists are exposed to techniques and materials they could never otherwise know about. As well, this freedom has also created greater and more diverse opinion about what art is and whether it is “good” or not.

An important aspect to art techniques and art product development is the concern for the environment. Many people are concerned with the level of waste that is now being created daily and how it is affecting the Earth we live on. Any chance to recycle and reuse is seen as a great thing. Artists and painters can incorporate what otherwise would be trash into their art for a mixed media creation.

Mixed media artwork has been around for centuries and some of the best known artists experimented. In fact, Picasso and George Braque are deemed to have started the Cubist movement. Both were experimenting with mixed media and deconstruction elements around the same time yet, independently of each other. When their work was released, the similarities inspired the Cubist Movement and much collage work since then.

Da Vinci was not just a painter but, used other media in his work as well. He most often used tempera, which is a mixture of egg, water and pigment and was used on wet plaster, during his day. Oil paint was developed in the early 1500’s and eventually dominated the medium, as artists discovered its’ durability.

For centuries tempera was the dye that all artists used. During this time when oil paintings were created, many artists found that adding other kinds of materials added an extra element to their work, that paint could not produce. Da Vinci was one of many artists through the ages who added textural bits to add interest in oil paintings and other artwork.

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