Kidney Failure: Its Symptoms and Causes
Kidney failure (also known as renal failure) is described as a medical condition in which the kidneys fail to sufficiently filter waste products and toxins from the blood. There are two forms of kidney failure: the acute kidney injury and the chronic kidney disease. Kidney failure symptoms are also described as the reduction in the glomerular filtration rate, which is detected by a superior level of serum creatinine. Frequently encountered problems of the kidneys include deranged acid levels and abnormal levels of the following: fluid in the body, calcium, potassium and phosphate. Overtime, this disease can progress to anemia and delayed healing of broken bones. Other conditions may also occur when you have a kidney disease, these conditions include cardiovascular diseases, proteinuria (loss of protein in the urine), and hematuria (loss of blood in the urine).
What are the Symptoms of Kidney Failure (Renal Failure)?
Kidney disease symptoms can vary from one person to another. A person diagnosed at an early kidney disease stage may not see the kidney disease symptoms as they come about. As the disease progresses, kidney symptoms become obvious. If the kidneys fail to filter efficiently, wastes and toxins start to accumulate in the blood and the body, this condition is called azotemia. Kidney failure with noticeable symptoms is called uraemia.
When the kidneys fail to perform its functions efficiently the following conditions will occur in the body which can lead to several signs and symptoms of kidney failure (renal failure).
High urea level in the blood which can cause:
* Blood in the urine
* Difficulty or pressure when urinating
* Less frequent urination, or in lesser amounts than normal with dark colored urine
* More frequent urination, or in higher amounts than normal with pale urine
* Frequent night-time urination
* Loss in weight
* Nausea
* Vomiting that can lead to dehydration
Having fluid-filled cysts on the liver or on the kidneys called polycystic kidney disease which can cause:
* Pain in side or in the back
Excess fluid in the blood/body which can cause:
* Swelling of the face, hands, legs, feet or ankles
* Shortness of breath caused by extra fluid in the lungs
Phosphate buildup in the blood which can cause:
* Damage in the bones
* Itching
* Muscle cramps
Protein buildup in the blood/body which can cause:
* Swelling in the face, hands, abdomen, or feet
Potassium buildup in the blood which can cause:
* Paralysis in the muscles
* Abnormal rhythm of the heart
Lack of oxygen-carrying red blood cells can lead to anemia which can then cause:
* Problems with memory
* Feeling weak or tired
* Concentration problems
* Dizziness
* Low blood pressure
Other kidney disease symptoms may include:
* Darkening of the skin
* Sleeping problems
* Too much protein in the blood
* Loss of appetite
* Bad taste in the mouth
* Bad breath
What are the Causes of Kidney Failure (Renal Failure)?
Acute kidney failure happens if there is an interruption in the blood supply to the kidneys, or if there is too much wastes buildup in the kidneys. This condition is caused by injuries, accidents, or surgical complications that deprived the normal blood flow to the kidneys. Other causes include excessive drug intake such as chemotherapeutics or antibiotics.
On the other hand, chronic kidney disease is caused by a condition called diabetes mellitus. Other causes include polycystic kidney disease, high blood pressure, and too much intake of common drugs like ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen.
Acute kidney failure allows a patient to recover and regain a normal life. However, when taken for granted this condition may lead to chronic kidney disease which is irreversible. Thus, it is best to be diagnosed with kidney disease at an early stage. When you find yourself experiencing the above kidney disease symptoms, seek medical help immediately. Kidney disease symptoms should be taken seriously because when you ignore them, it can have a big impact to your health and quality of life. Kidney disease symptoms are often difficult to diagnose, but with the help of health care professionals dealing with it will become easier for you.
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Kidney is one of the most important organs in our body, And having the right solution for the problem in one’s kidney is very hard to find due to different ideas about it. Kidney disease symptoms have many ways in treating them and we just need to know and to perform them correctly. For more information visit my site at