Spinning Articles 101
You can look at things from many perspectives Spinning articles is no exception.
Im sure you are aware there is a war on spam going on.No one really enjoys spam thats for sure. If you own a blog, Im sure you are aware how annoying and how muddled it is. The search engines arent crazy about it either. It is their job to point searchers to the best solution. Recently Ive seen the subject of spinning articles or rewriting articles, lumped together with the subject of spamming.
What is spinning articles? Spinning articles, or rewriting articles refers to the process of starting with one starter article, and usually through the use of software, turning it into many. The main objective is to gain traffic and backlinks as a form of marketing. Like everything else in life, marketing is a mixed blessing. It is not necessarily evil. It is marketing that gets the word out about valuable products and services, and employs millions.
The first misconception about spinning articles is that the spinner, or spinee, starts with someone elses article. Im aware people do this , but i dont think that is the majority.In general I feel it is more ethical and productive to start with your own original article, and this is what most decent marketers do. So, stealing, is not an essential part of spinning articles.Stealing is always a bad idea.
The other objection I see, is that the writing is so bad on the rewritten articles that it becomes spam. I do agree that carbon copy gibberish is a clutter, and a waste of time. However, article software has greatly improved and if someone is aware of the proper way to rewrite, it can look quite good. The clones can be good enough to look unique, if it is done right.
So why spin? The internet is a tremendous opportunity for us all. You or I can write and publish our feelings and opinons and have them read by crowds of people. You can also write a review of a product, or make a commission from people clicking on links on your article. Many people earn a legitimate living from doing this.
BUT, its a very competitive world out there. Ideally you want to reach people that are interested in your subject, or your product. There is so much information online that its difficult to be read by the majority that may be interested in your subject. It isvery difficult to reach people through the search engines. Dont think that because your article is full of original content and well written that the search engines will love it and lead tons of the right people to it. It just doesnt work like that. You have to self promote to an extent.
Lets say you write an extemely informative article on flat screen t.v.’s. Many people would benefit from this. The person looking for information searches in Google for “flat screen t.v.s. This will bring up a number of sites, but in reality, the major ones will be places like Amazon with televisions for sale. What the searcher really wanted was information of flat screens. But what about the person who searches for “lcd televisions” His query will bring up a completely different group of articles and links. If the title of your article is “All About Flat Screens” chances are you will get very little or no traffic from the person searching for “lcd’s”
This is where the rewriter comes in.By alternating titles around the same subject, you now have a chance of reaching people that are searching using different terms. If your article is informative, you have done no harm by targeting different terms. This is just one small example of how rewriting your articles can be useful to all.
Quality is very important. You cannot just change “cat” to “kitty” and expect to be well recieved. Complete sentences should be altered. Complete paragraphs should vary as well as the simple synonym switch. Different information should be included in the articles. It really can be an art form to reach different people, with the same article.
Article rewriting has its place and is an effective means of reaching masses of people, as well as making online sales. Like so many things, it comes down to how it is done.
If you do decide to rewrite articles to make instant sales, increase traffic and get backlinks, you need the best article marketing solution. Article Marketing Robot