Legal Electronic Discovery: Seamless Integration Of The Electronic Evidence Discovery Process

The era of technologically enabled enterprises and their enormous volume of electronically exchanged and stored information has led to challenging situation for the law firms. In case of legal proceedings, manual review of these electronically stored documents besides being time consuming increases the costs substantially.

The method of electronic data discovery has become very vital part of litigation and regulatory proceedings for every tech savvy organisation. The corporate sectors look towards their legal partners to make use of ediscovery tools to achieve superior outcomes at lower expenses. The traditional legal electronic discovery process is again time consuming as this also involves the manual assessment and review of the electronic document by the counsel. Hence, there arises the need for a more integrated and automated system.

The leaders in the field of electronic evidence discovery   have designed and developed a single application for the entire legal electronic discovery lifecycle. This solution facilitates the law firms to rapidly analyze large volumes of electronic documents thus gaining deeper insight into case facts making it easier for developing case strategy. Besides enabling accurate estimation of case budget by providing detailed data metrics at the onset of a case, it also provides guidance on custodians, keywords, topics, and discussion threads. Being a web-based application facilitates an intuitive interface for the end-users with a standardized review quality across multiple viewers.

The legal electronic discovery process also facilitates corporations, law firms, and government agencies to automate and manage their legal hold process. The Legal Hold Module streamlines the legal hold management, identifies and collects critical data and allows the legal counterparts to satisfactorily complete the litigation process. The legal hold module comes with a set of key features such as quick dispersal of customized hold notices to custodians and systems administrators via email and streamlining the notification process.

Reminder notifications are sent as electronic documents or mails thus saving on manual follow-up. Further these hold notices are saved as templates in the Notice library for reuse thus paving way for greater consistency and efficiency across the legal hold process. For the administrators, the facility of a single window view across various cases provides them with an updated status of all the custodians. Being a part of the e-discovery platform, the legal electronic discovery provides a seamless integration with e-discovery processes.

Know more on:    email analysis

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