Precision Heating And Indoor Air Quality – Invisible Dangers And Solutions

As per the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) report of the United States, almost 9 percent of American people spend their time indoors and much of that is within their own houses. While this might sound safe, the truth is that it actually is not safe. The report also says that the air found inside homes is not healthy and has the potential of causing many health problems for the inmates. The estimations state that the percentage of air pollution could be three to four time higher than the air pollution that takes place outdoors.

The high humidity levels from cooking, showering, and laundry gives a perfect dwelling place for fungi spores. And some of the symptoms of these spores available inside the house are nasal secretions and inflammations, asthma and hay fever. When a person uses the hood fan or the exhaust fan, he is bringing outside air into the house as a replacement for the air that is being sucked out by these fans. The outside air that comes through this route is the most polluted form of air that one can have within residential space.

Human beings break out at least 400,000 cells from their bodies every day. When a person respires, moves, and when the skin’s bacterium gets decomposed, the cells and bio-effluents are emitted out of the human body.  These cells are made from hundreds of volatile organic compounds that are actually sources of odor from the body. The debris and dust that builds up during construction work in the duct work brings along huge amounts of pollution which the house owner does is not aware of.

There are solutions for these problems and doctors would usually ask people to drink boiled water for getting rid of these germs from within the body. But that could not be the only solution and this is where HVAC service companies like Precision Heating and Indoor Air Quality come into the picture. Some of the solutions offered by the companies to get rid of the above mentioned problems are filter processed outdoor ventilation, sterilizing and purifying air with the help of photocatalytic filters, constant operation of the fan, installation of a vacuum system that vents out the air, and non-operation of furnace systems at the time of construction work. Though these services are provided by some of the other companies as well, when one has a reputable company like Precision Heating and Indoor Air Quality, quality service is there on the platter.

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