How to securely lock your account temporarily?
Some windows password reset tools can remove or reset windows login password when you are out for computer, thus, we cannot say your computer would be 100% inaccessible by others. However, you can protect your account information to some extent.
In windows, we can press Winkey+L to lock our account when we have to leave the computer for a little while. To login again, we must enter a correct password. But, we also can require a user name to log on, thus make it more secure. How to realize it?
1. Input Local Security Policy in start menu search box, open it.
2. Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options.
3. In the right pane, double click on Interactive logon: Display user information when the session is locked.
4. Select the option you want, and click on OK.
If you choose User display name only or Do not display user information, when you locked the account, no picture and no name of the account will be shown. You have to input user name and password to log on.
Note: User name is different from user display name. For example, you created an account named Jack when installing windows 7, but later you changed it into Peter, then Jack is user name, Peter is user display name.
To prevent others from trying guessing your username and password, do as follows:
1. Security Settings -> Account Policies -> Account Lockout Policy.
2. In the right pane, double click on Account Lockout Threshold.
3. Set a number for invalid logon attempts you permit. And then it will pop up a window su-ggesting you to set two other options in Account Lockout Policy. OK.
If you cannot prevent others from physical access to your computer, you can use this way to extend the time of intruders’ logon attempts, therefore, protect your computer before you come back. And if you forget your password, you can use Windows password recovery software to recover the password.