High Quality Mp3 Earphones At Budget Prices
mp3 headphones are great to use to listen to songs, whilst watching TV as well as viewing a film, as well as whenever using your PC. You will find numerous applications where it is possible to use earphones. There are many of models and varieties that you may choose from these days, dependent on the application.
As anyone who has read any of my previous mp3 related articles will know (if not, why not) my original quest was to find the best buy cheap mp3 players.
That, in fact, proved to be not as difficult as I initially imagined, as I managed to locate at least six great buys under $100, all of which did a great job in terms of features, sound quality and storage space (for the price, of course).
I enjoyed testing all of the mp3 players in question.
But, I do have a confession to make wii remote and nunchuck.
I tested each and every one of them using what you might call ‘traditional’ hi-fi headphones, rather than with the in-ear earphones that are supplied as standard with most of the players.
The reason for this was very simple.
If I am trying to test mp3 players, then, by definition, I want to be able to listen to, and comment on, the sound quality of the cheap mp3 players under review.
Unfortunately, with the standard earphones supplied with the vast majority of mp3 players, this is no simple task, because of the (generally) extremely average overall performance of most of the earphones provided.
First and foremost, they are supposed to be ‘in-ear’ phones, which, to me at least, would imply that the darned things should fit into your ears. Now, how many people do you know who have perfectly spherical ear holes?
Not many, I would guess.
Nor is it anything to do with size.
I myself am blessed with listening gear that was rejected by Disney staff tasked with casting Dumbo, on the grounds that no self respecting cartoon elephant would ever sport such preposterously large ears.
Still, these blasted things do not fit.
Nor is the quality of these standards phones up to much, either. On the odd occasion when they don’t choose to pop out of your ears, so that you actually have a chance to listen, you probably won’t like what you hear anyway!
Now, obviously these earphones are the bit of your mp3 ‘kit’ that transmits the noise from your player into your ears, and thenceforth to the depths of your brain.
Far better to consider buying some after market, higher quality earphones, such as those listed on my site, so that you are at last able to appreciate just how good the sounds that you are listening to can truly be!