
Circadian Rhythms a.k.a. the “body-clock” are an endogenous (internal), system within your body that automatically synchronized with the 24 hour cycles of nature (in particular the sun and electromagnetic fields). Commemorate the ideal context for perfect health the way management and also be experienced within- complemented with diet & exercise. It’s always Natures Yoga to us!
You may theoretically live inside a cave & still maintain all your biological functions promptly.

Your system: master of efficiency. Precision & effectiveness. It’s tao: doing least, achieving most; synergy. Too, for instance a puppy, it doesn’t matter how much abuse, mistreatment or neglect it forgives instantly and does the best it could in order to keep to have on playing. It will this through electromagnetic as well as other amazing, unseen, critical biological functions.

By reason of these silent synchronizations our bodies will function higher and minimize during various times of for 24 hours in order to meet specific functions. Despite the fact a lot of us fight it or claim to be night owls, we are programmed to sleep overnight. We secrete HGH for cell regeneration, digestions is highest at noon or while digesting very large meal via maximum enzyme secretion. Basically don’t eat pizza so late, digestive juices typically are not present!

Without going to the “blah blah science schmience” piece of it- though fascinating, these rhythms, this biological, cosmic and planetary dance directly affect and influence all biological, psychological and behavioral functions. For example: core temperature, brain wave activity, hormones, cell regeneration and various other stuff would take your breath away (metaphorically speaking that would be). Our Karma (actions) actually determines our liveliness. Is real Yoga for being tuned in alongside the cycles of nature; in harmony with all the laws of nature, take action and the entire body will say “I love Yoga”!

While you get tuned in, life gets softer, sleep gets better, sex more amazing, productivity and efficiency increases, your heart becomes tender and compassionate, and there’s a reduction in stress. Let alone the extensive benefits when it comes to less depression and anxiety, poor digestion, bad making decisions due to your brain performing the next stage of function.
It could possibly and does, however, degrade with time. So, take care and attention, and turn into patient.

Get plenty of sleep (sleep before ten pm). Wake early, slip into a pleasant set of two organic handmade cotton Yoga pants or Yoga shorts, the best Om Shirt and get your physical Yoga on (My business is a fan of Asthanga Yoga or Kundalini ) circulation blood and oxygen and wake our bodies up. Meditate: “Namaste” yourself, Chant Om. Consume a light breakfast to stimulate your body (get some ghee) and live yourself in accordance with God, the divine, nature… Whatever. Live in bliss!

Om Shirt

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