Facts about making coffee using coffee machines
<a href=”http://www.coffeeteam.co.uk/”><span style=”font-weight: bold;”>Coffee machines</span></a> are used widely for domestic as well as commercial purposes. It is used to brew coffee without boiling the water in a separate container. In market, there are different types of coffee machines available for brewing the coffee that uses different principles.
Most of the common frame coffee machines has a same working procedure for preparing coffee. It consist of a metal or paper filter inside the funnel placed at coffee grounds, which is set over glass or ceramic coffee pot. There is a separate chamber where cold water is poured which is heated up to the boiling point form making the coffee and is later directed to funnel. This process is known as automatic drip-brew.
Types of Coffee Machines:
• Vacuum brewers
• Percolators
• Electric Drip Coffeemakers
• Pour over water displacement drip
• French Press
<a href=”http://cesarsamdoval11.hubpages.com/hub/Energize-yourself-by-a-Cup-of-Coffee”><span style=”font-weight: bold;”>Coffee Machine</span></a>
Facts about Brewing of Coffee:
Since years, making coffee was a very simple process. People simply used to add hot water to the roasted coffee beans followed by lid attachment to enable appropriate infusion. The same procedure of making coffee continues to 19th and early 20th century.
The first modern method introduced for making coffee is known as drip brewing which is about 125 year old. The biggin, a two-level pot was introduced in France in which there were two compartments. The upper compartment holds coffee and water was allowed to pass through it and was collected in the compartment below it. Also the other method known as pumping percolator was invented around the same time and later one by one inventions came into existence resulting into varied range of coffee machines.