Online Retailing of Toys and Games The Playfield is Getting Bigger in Size

Leo, Redbell, Olx, all vying for the market share

It is not a child’s play at all. We are here talking about the toy and games industry that is showing impressive growth rates in India. What is more, players like Lego, Leo, Funskool, Mattel and countless other local manufacturers of various toys (for different age groups) and games have not only kept up the momentum earinging bigger, and bigger market shares but are also upbeat about the immediate future as well.

Besides the regualar producers and retailers, we have a new crop of names who are doing a fab job of online retailing of toys and games. These include Redbell (arguably the largest online retailer curently in India), Disney India,,, eBay, euromonitor,,,,,,,, and so on.

In fact, there are so many that it is a broad but at the same time safe guess that just about every mega online retailers including eBay, and are all toying with the business of online retailing of toys and games only.

And why not. With the demographics very much on the postive side ( of the total population 160 million are children below the age group 0-7 years as per the 2011 census) and a parellel growth in the economy.

A recent article titled “Indian Toy Industry Set to Grow at 25% that appeared in December, 2011 in the Business Stadard reveals that the currently the Indian toy industry is worth Rs 150 crore. Many of this is in the unorganized sector and with names like Funskool, Leo and Lego slowly but surely assuming bigger statures, things can only get better and better from here.

Everything from stuffed toys, to educational kits to strategy games devised for the 5-7 year segment, the sector has all the makings of brigher future.

The emergence of mobile video games and gaming consoles have only further enlivened the situation for everyone. While as yet there is no manufacture of hardware currently happening here, there is plenty of sofware production taking place. Animation is another related field.

Satyajit Banerjee is an expert writer in handicraft arena and writes for, an eCommerce portal for handcrafted and Handmade products. It offers wide range of products across various categories ranging from online shopping home décor, fashion jewellery, desineger bags, Women Apparels, Accessories, Necklaces, Home Décor & Furnishing products and much more.

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