When buying used clothing online

When buying used clothing online, do not be afraid to ask questions. Request more photos and get some close up shots. Ask about stains and tears.

One of the most popular places to buy used clothing online is eBay. Check the persons feedback rating before bidding or buying. Feedback is the number that is displayed next to the user name. If you click on the number you can view feedback left and received by the buyer. You can tell right away what kind of seller they are by reading through the feedback. If the person is mean or insulting, consider buying from someone else. You true religion mens can get s really good deal on ebay, especially if the bidding starts very low and there is little, or no other bidding.

Beware of fakes on eBay and other online auction sites. Factories in China make poor quality designer fakes and sell them to naive North Americans, who think they are getting a good wholesale deal on brand name clothing. Once they receive their items and realize they are fake and they cannot get refunded from the China Factory(who will still say the items are legitimate brand names and not fake), they remove the tags and list them as used. An example would be a pair of True Religion jeans listed as new without tags(nwot) and “Buy it Now” is $25. Just be realistic… True religion jeans would never cost that low. Most of the fakes say their boyfriends bought them and they are too small or some true religion jeans
other similar story. Just use your good judgment and read feedback!

Buying used children’s clothing can save you a lot! You can also find styles or brands that might not be available to you. Make sure to ask about stains on clothing before you bid or buy. Remember that US and Euro sizes are different.

All in all, you can save a lot of money and get very good deals by shopping for used clothing online… without even leaving your home!

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