Why Glycosaminoglycans Are Important

Glycosaminoglycans are vital for life.  Your body simply cannot do without this family of carbohydrates.  They are needed to form good connective tissues throughout your body.  Without the presence of Glycosaminoglycans a foetus cannot develop properly.  It is not a stretch to think of it as the glue that holds together your body.

People will suffer from joint pain related to many diseases find relief when they take this complex carbohydrate.  Whilst it is known that this carbohydrate is very important for human health it is felt by many scientists that we are still a long way from understanding all of the different ways our bodies use it.

Diseases That Can Be Treated Using Glycosaminoglycans

Many joint diseases can be treated successfully using glycosaminoglycans.  It has recently been used to treat osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis to great effect.

When the balance of this vital complex carbohydrate is not right in your body many diseases develop.  These include heart defects, respiratory problems, fibrosis, skin problems, issues with cartilage, joints and connective tissue.  In addition, a lack of it can lead to your body being unable to heal itself.

Synthetic Glycosaminoglycans Are Important

Synthetic Glycosaminoglycans are being developed all of the time because they are able to treat such a wide range of diseases.  There are several kinds of this complex carbohydrate in your body which is why drug companies are developing and synthesising several versions.

Most commonly used form of synthetic Glycosaminoglycan is Heparin.  This drug is used as an anticoagulant.  It is not just used in the body of the most common use is for this drug is a primer for dialysis machines.  Without the use of this drug it would not be possible to get the patient’s blood to flow through the dialysis machine it would simply clot on the way through.  It is also used to prime test tubes for exactly the same reason.

The other common form of synthetic Glycosaminoglycans is Chondroitin sulphate.  This is used to treat osteoarthritis.  It is prescribed primarily to improve the quality of the cartilage in the patient’s body.

Iduron has developed several important synthetic Glycosaminoglycans, which are now widely used by the medical profession.

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