Step Ladders Overview: The Clow Tradesman Model
Everyone wants to have the best possible tools and equipment, even if they aren’t in a trade of some sort. Top-notch gear can make work smoother and safer. One item you might not give a second thought to is step ladders. The necessity of a step ladder and it’s ability to handle any task makes it an invaluable tool for tradesmen. Coming up is some information about a step ladder we just found out about – the long-lasting, reasonably priced Clow Tradesman model.
Step Ladders: About the Clow Tradesman Model
This is a heavy-duty timber ladder that’s exceptionally strong and substantial. When you use this lightweight ladder correctly, it is both sturdy and safe. The ladder has a BS 1129 Class 1 rating and will cost you roughly ?70. As is the case with other step ladders in its class, the Tradesman will support a maximum static load of 175kg. This ladder can withstand significant, heavy loads thanks to the fact it’s crafted from Douglas fir wood. This kind of wood means that your ladder doesn’t have to have much upkeep, but will manage to remain quite strong structurally. Furthermore, the fittings can avoid rust as well as decay, since they are all galvanised. The tremendously strong hinges are securely fastened to the ladder.
Step Ladders: Features of the Clow Tradesman
This is a three-tread model that weighs 6.1kg. 0.88m is this model’s closed height. The ladder features sound construction, such as back legs that are half tapped and bolted, a technique that results in sounder joints than traditional mortise joinery. The treads on this model ladder are bolted with up to 3 screwed and nutted tie rods and spaced at 11-inch centres. Depending on the height of your ladder, any number of tie rods may be used to bolt the treads. If you’re getting a step ladder, remember that the tread count helps measure how tall a ladder you’ll need. In turn, the tread count includes the topmost section of the ladder. For instance, if you have a four-tread ladder, it is comprised of only three treads, plus the top of the ladder counting as tread number four.
Step Ladders: How to Perform a Safety Inspection
Be sure that whatever step ladder you’re using is a safe one before you choose to use that ladder. The first thing you should do is to see that the back legs and front stiles are sturdy and free from damage. Ensure that with any type of leg components or stile components which have any fixing points that those points are in excellent condition. Ensure that the fixing hardware is neither loose, missing, or corroded. Check the corner braces and the treads to guarantee there is no looseness or excess wear or damage or corrosion. Inspect the locking stays, restraining straps, and horizontal back rails on your ladder. Ensure that the feet are in top-notch shape. The ladder should be free of substances like oil, grease, dirt, mud or paint.
To get the most from step ladders like the Clow Tradesman model, make sure you maintain the ladder and pick the right size ladder.
Would you like to learn more about the advantages of step ladders? Are you ready to upgrade that dilapidated wood ladder inside your garage or basement? For this and the best deals on ladders have a look at what’s available from the Midland Ladder Company.