Electrolux Central Vacuums Can Improve Air Quality
It is common knowledge that installing a central vacuum system in your home has many benefits. From making it easier for you to clean by taking the heavy vacuum cleaner out of the equation to increasing the value of your home by a few thousand dollars, central vacuum cleaners offer nothing but convenience. If you’ve ever looked into owning a central vacuum system or installing one in your home, you may know that Electrolux Central Vacuum systems use HEPA filtration in the power unit. However, did you know that this sealed HEPA filtration in the system can actually improve the indoor air quality in your home?
This is, in fact, the truth. The filters on these machine are heavy duty and more effective than the standard HEPA filter in a canister or upright vacuum cleaner and because they are sealed within the power unit, they offer advanced filtration that cannot be met by a standard vacuum cleaner. But why exactly should you care about cleaning the air of your home? That question can be answered easily. Scientific research has found that indoor air is often up to five times more unhealthy than the air outside. You, like many other people probably spend quite a lot of time indoors, so doesn’t it make sense that the air you breathe most frequently should be clean?
In any given home, dust mites, pet dander, poisonous gases and other harmful substance are lurking in the air just waiting to be inhaled. These hazards found in your air can cause you to wake up in the morning feeling sick with a dry mouth, trigger allergies and asthma and can even be linked to heart attacks.
Although the risks of these airborne substances cannot be completely eliminated without the use of an air purifier, installing a central vacuum cleaner in your home can help reduce them. When you install a central vacuum in your home, you’ll find that the power unit is mounted in a remote location of your home such as the garage or the basement. This will be the hub where all of the dirt and dust in your home is collected and emptied to. The hose on your system connects to a series of inlet valves that transfer dirt and dust to this unit.
Because you aren’t changing the bag on your unit weekly and releasing the dirt and dust back into the air of your home and because of the sealed HEPA filtration system, the air quality in your home is able to improve dramatically.