Personal Details That Affect the Price of a Long Term Care Quote
Obtaining a long term care quote would possibly determine if a person would purchase an LTC insurance policy or if he would just rely on his future savings and personal assets to pay for his LTC needs. More often than not, seeing the quotation would probably be the turning point of any individual’s determination towards acquiring his own Long term care plan.
Everybody is aware of the expensive monthly premiums that usually comes with LTC plans, making some Americans hesitate to purchase one thinking that there could be other possible ways of availing it without spending large amount of money.
Sad to say, the best, and maybe most ideal way to avoid being charged of high-priced monthly premiums is to avail it as early as possible. Even if one thinks that somehow the rates would be cheaper as time goes by, there is no chance at all for this happen, especially if one considers the continuous increase on the basic necessities today.
To further add insult to the injury, the monthly premiums of LTC insurance policies increase by as much as 15 to 18 percent a year, which means that the public would have to deal with more expensive rates in the next couple of years. This would then leave the still uninsured American citizens to have a harder time paying for their policy’s monthly rates if they do not act now.
For an individual to get a long term care quote, he must be able to provide his insurance provider some basic personal information that would help them determine the cost of his LTC insurance plan.
It is better to be truthful and honest when giving out personal information because it will be the basis of the amount and LTC services that would be covered by the policy of a certain person.
For example, an individual must be straightforward when asked about his health condition and admit any possible hereditary diseases that his immediate family members might have acquired so that the insurance company could charge him of the possible LTC services and facilities that he will receive and use.
Other possible factors that could affect the cost of his insurance contract include his age, desired benefit coverage period, and the exact location where he would receive his policy benefits.
The quotation should also indicate the level of inflation protection that the policy would receive, if it is applicable to his insurance plan. Policies that were bought at a younger age up to age 70 could be granted levels of inflation protection that would help the policy make its value updated based on the latest LTC costs without the need of upgrading or purchasing another LTC insurance plan.
Usually, there is no inflation required for policies that were acquired at age 75 and above but an insured person may still ask his insurance provider regarding it and it can still be incorporated in his plan.
Different insurance providers may have varying standards and considerations when it comes to generating a long term care quote for a certain individual. So it might be a good idea if a person would ask several quotations from some companies before he chooses his would-be LTC insurance provider.