The difference between different levels of body armor

Body armor comes in multiple levels. These levels of body armor are foten decided by a governing body of a specific location. In the USA it’s the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), and in the UK it’s Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB).

In terms of ballistic body armor, the NIJ standard is considered the international standard. This is due to the amount of research, and analysis they have done over the years. You will find many other standards around the world such as the UK HOSDB will either directly copy their ballistic standard for body armor or they will at aleast borrow it.

Their are a main disinction between the ballistic levels for body armor;

1) Low power handgun e.g .9mm
2) High powered handgun .44 magnum
3) Rifle such as AK47
4) Armor piercing rifle such as M2

Each independent organization will have levels based on the above. The only difference between each standard will be the velocities and exact round shot at the body armor. However the difference between the standards are very small and in real terms vry insignificant.

Body armor also has levels for both stab and spike. These levels for body armor tend to be borrowed from the UK HOSDB a they have done extensive research into these threats. The UK HOSDB and US NIJ levels for stab and spike are almost identical. In fact you will often find both organizations working together on their standards.

The stab and spike body armor protection levels is measured in Joules. And they have identical Joules for each level.

KR1/Knife Level 1 – 24 Joules
SP1/Spike Level I – 24 Joules

The difference between the above levels is; KR1/Knife 1 is an edged blade weapon such as a knife. Where as with SP1/SPike 1 it is pointed isntruments like a needle.

It is very important when choosing body armor that you decide exactly which threats you will face so you can decide the appropriate level to guaruntee you have the right body armor.

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