Famous artists | Famous artist

We are living in an era of perfection and there are many people who have made remarkable contribution is respective fields but do we know anyone who has made remarkable contribution in many fields? Who is the most famous artist? We here is the answer Alex  Kanevsky is an artist with multiple talents and he is the person who has made remarkable contribution in many fields.

One man with multiple talents: He is a well known painter.

He is a well known novelist.

He is a well known sculptor.

He is a well known playwright.

He is a well known scholar.

He is a well known poet.

He is a well known singer.

He is a well known physician.

He is a well known actor.

He is a well known healer.

He is a well known politician.

He is a well known martial artist.

He is a well known artist.

He is a well known writer.

He is a well known doctor.

He is a well known super renaissance man.

Alex Kanevsky is one of the most famous artists who have made remarkable contributions in various fields with incredible talents.

Alexander Kanevsky is the Celebrated winner of the First International Award in fine arts inaugurated in Palazzo Corer de Santa Fosca de Venezia in 1999. Alexander Kanevsky is the US National MEDIA CELEBRITY in ART, CULTURE and IDEOLOGY in 2000-200 with “COUPLE” and 80 more works presented at the artist’s historic exhibition in New Haven City Hall. Alexander Kanevsky is the Creator of a NEW STYLE of PAINTING, represented by almost TWO THOUSAND works of VARIOUS MEDIA dominated by OIL on WOOD and CANVAS and GIGANTIC VIDEORAMIC 16×10 FEET MASTERPIECES which include commissioned work in ENGLAND, KENYA, INDIA, CHINA and JAPAN. Dr. Kanevsky is the founder of a proprietary system of NATURAL INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE that utilizes ANCIENT and MODERN KNOWLEDGE of TRADITIONAL CHINESE, AYURVEDIC, TIBETAN, WESTERN MEDICINE, Psychiatry and PSYCHOANALYSIS which Dr. Kanevsky applies in his effective multimodality treatment of every illness of the human body. Dr. Kanevsky began his career in medicine as a surgical oncologist, serving from 1983 until 1990, expanding his training and practicing of Eastern MEDICINE wherewithal conjoining Western psychiatry and psychoanalysis. Dr. Kanevsky has attained his formal training in the aforementioned areas by 1997, as he continues his assiduous studies and their successful clinical applications through the present.Dr. Kanevsky is the Author of “Diaries of Health”, “First Publsihed in the USA in 2011

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