Are you facing lots of error with your printer – How to fix

An error Printer generally turns so due to certain issues that arise with time and can be dissolved using petty tricks. In case the issues are stubborn and your tricks do not work, just get in touch with a Tech Support service provider and get your issues fixed. Below are few ways to resolve few common printer issues that you can try to solve the issues all by yourself:
1. Paper jam issues
Paper jams are the result of one or more sheets of paper being wedged in the feeding or printing region of the printer. A simple solution to it is nothing but a gentle gesture in removing the jammed paper and reset the printer.
2. Low ink levels.
In cartridges are alleged to run dry in quick intervals. If printer appears to be printing but no output is visible, Ink might be the factor to be blamed. Again it has a simple fixing method that is just taking the effort to replace the cartridge and start printing all over again.
3. A clogged print head.
In case you are aware that the paper jam or cartridge ink isn’t the issue behind the printer not working, the issue might be lying in the print head which might be clogged. To resolve the issue:
• Go to “Control Panel”
• Click on “Printer”
• Right Click on “Properties” then select “Maintenance”
• Finally click on “Clean Cartridges” to attempt to clean the print head.
4. Uninstall and reinstall the printer drivers and software applications:
In case the above three problems doesn’t stand relevant to the issue, the user can uninstall and reinstall the printer and software to wave off the irksome software issues, errors or conflicts. For more problematic errors one can always summon for the online computer support services professionals.
5. Error:”Windows cannot initialize the device driver for this hardware. (Code 37)”
This printer error code is again generated out of the hardware device drivers. The error that irrupts is either the result of your printer not having been connected to the computer or your device driver software is to be blamed for preventing the printer to correspond to your computer. Firstly one should take into consideration as to whether the printer cable is properly connected in the either devices of the printer and the computer system. Then make sure that the printer powered is switched on. If everything is in place and the error persists, it is necessary to perform an update or uninstall and reinstall the existing driver to fix resolve the error. Follow the simple procedure:
• Go to “Start”, and then click on “Run”. Here you need to type “sysdm.cpl” and the hit “Enter”.
• As the “System Properties” dialog box opens, navigate to the “Hardware” tab and click on the “Device Manager” button.
• As the “Device Manager” window opens find your printer and then double-click o it.
• Click on the “Driver” tab and then to install the updated driver files choose the “Update driver” button. In case you prefer to remove the current driver, just click on the “Uninstall button”.
6. Error: ˜Spoolsv.exe – Application Error. The instruction at “0x77fcc2c0″ referenced memory at “0×00000000. The memory could not be written.”
An ample accumulation of .SHD and .SPD printer spooler files within the spool folder of the printer results in this spool printer error to occur. Below are few ways to tidy up the spooler folder with the steps below:
• Go to “Start” then select “Run”, type in “Services.msc” and hit Enter.
• Now right-click on the “Print Spooler services” which is within the “Services management console” window, and then choose the “Stop” command.
• Next, open “Windows Explorer” and navigate to “C:\Windows\System32\Spool\Printers printer spool folder”.
• Now, select all files within this folder and delete all.
• Delete all unnecessary files from the “temp” folder.
• Finally, open the “Services management console” window again and then restart the “Print Spooler service”.
7. Printer errors also occur due to registry problems and malware infections.
To keep errors on printer at bay, one can also run a registry scan using a registry cleaner tool to diagnose and fix registry errors. Then, run a complete system scan by means of an updated antivirus program and antispyware tool so that your system is unaffected of any malware intrusion.
Apart from these issues a printer error can be of multiple traits that affect your printing necessities often at the time of urgencies. If your issue persists get in touch with the online computer repair tech professionals and find your printer offering fine, smooth and effectively printing.
Article by: iGennie is a fastest growing online PC solution provider company in US, Canada and UK.