Hospital Pagers Decreases patient Wait Times
The era prior to the Cell phones pager sytems was the beeper pager. Beeper pagers were little devices used by physcians and later drug dealers to be alerted they had a call to to respond too. The beeper pager dominated the physican pager industry up until the later half of the 2005. Beeper pagers are unlike take number systems, which are actual queuing systems. Beeper pager, in the case of doctors and hospitals were only used during emergency. Pagers mainly come in three types, on the basis of the information which is to be sent. The most basic one is the Numeric pagers, which take number systems pattern as the base, i.e to send only numbers or specific number codes. Next is the Alpha numeric one, which allows the use of both numbers and letters. Last, the Alpha numeric two way pager, wherein the users can send and receive information.
In Hospitals, the paging systems play key role in patient flow. The Hospital pagers that use the patient’s cell phone to send a text or voice alert is useful to notify patients when they are ready to be seen by a physician. Mean while, the patients can move around the campus freely, avoid congested waiting rooms full of sick people. Hospital cell phone pagers are excellent for patient’s family’s waiting to be notified, once the treatment of the patient is completed at either the operating room, ED or radiology department.
Inner city hospitals must act accordingly in case of emergiencies apart from keeping excellent sychronisation with all staff. Hospital Pagers systems using cell phones easily send emergancy SMS alerts to all hospital personnel if there is a lock down or some other urgent event.
Patients require utmost care on time with sound assistance. Patients can’t tolerate much time in long line for examinations, since it becomes difficult for the week and infirm to wait. With the assistance of a Hospital Pager cell phone systems patients can check their status of their wait time by simply texting. Hospitals equiped with cell phone pager systems can benefit in terms of cost and patient satisfaction.
Fulcrum Design, LLc, developed the industry leading mobile queue management system, Hospital pagers and Patient pagers system. Founded in 2001 as a business consulting and technology firm head quartered in Glastonbury, Connecticut, Fulcrum Design specializes in custom application development serving the hospitality, higher education, entertainment and health care industries.