Font Manager: Makes Your Job of Selecting Fonts Easy and Simple

Fonts have always been a hot item in graphic design. With literally tens of thousands of fonts available most artists also seem to be font collectors. But without the proper tools your collection can become unmanageable and finding the right font can be a daunting task.

In the old days of Windows 95/98 there was a limit on the amount of fonts that could be handled by the operating system, but nowadays it is possible to have an unlimited amount of fonts installed on your system. However, having too many font resources allocated could have a negative effect on your systems performance and that’s why we recommend using a Font Manager.

Installing fonts is pretty straightforward in Windows. You can just copy them to your windows fonts folder, but the result is that you get one big pile of fonts to choose from. With the help of a Font Manager you can organize your fonts into several categories which make it much easier to find what you’re looking for.

A typical Font viewer/Font Manager allows you to install and uninstall fonts, but the better ones also have more advanced functions like comparing fonts, categorizing fonts, find duplicate fonts, create font reference sheets, fix font problems and identify corrupted fonts. These items are very important in being productive in your creative work and keeping your system healthy.

X-Fonter is a font management tool for Windows that has all these functions and even more. Font selection has never been easier. With just a few mouse clicks you can search for the font that makes your design look perfect. It is created for web-designers, graphic artists and font fanatics. By using this high quality Font Viewer or manager you can get full control over your fonts and make working with them a lot easier and efficient.

This excellent piece of software has been developed by “Blacksun Software”. Their website also offers other interesting graphical tools which complement their Font Manager very well.

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