It is important to keep your office in a good state of repair
A dreary office in a state of disrepair is hardly going to inspire anyone to give their all in the workplace. Greying walls and a crumbling roof are not things that afford a company a modern, dynamic feel, and particularly those with office jobs who spend long hours at a computer will struggle to be in the right mind set if the ceiling is leaking and the building rattles with the draft. Regardless of the frame of mind your work force is experiencing as a result of your facility; a cold, leaky building is more than likely to damage your equipment; particularly electronic equipment such as computers, and end up costing you a great deal of money in the long run because you are simply going to have to replace all of these items.
Because of this, you can save a fortune by ensuring your building is in a good state of repair at all times. Although it can seem like you are spending unnecessary amounts of money maintaining a property that will do fine as it is, and you might begin to think that all this looking after your office will begin to eat into your profits, but there is a basic cost involved in ensuring a safe and pleasant working environment for your staff that you just cannot avoid, and for the reasons above and more it could be higher than if you do not spend the initial cash.
It can get much more dangerous for your business than a damp computer or soggy power cable, however. It should always be at the forefront of your mind that you should be keeping your work force in good health. This is not just from the point of view that it will increase productivity; of course it will, and it is important from a productivity perspective that you do this. Days off sick can lose your business a lot of money; some days are obviously unavoidable, and people can pick up bugs from all over the place. Friends and family, and especially children, are more than equipped to distribute illness to your staff; you certainly do not want to compound this risk you already face by letting a draft run through your building, or letting water drip on the heads of people trying to get on with some work. A crumbling roof falling in the wrong place can cause serious injury; an injury for which you are responsible, forcing you to correct the problem anyway and likely have to fork out a great deal of compensation, despite losing a worker yourself. All in all it makes good business sense, as well as being ethically sound, to ensure your office is in good nick.
From both a business and ethics point of view, it is important to keep your building in good condition; facilities management companies regularly offer property management services which can help ensure that you are properly prepared for all eventualities.