Android vs. Apple iOS – Mobile App Developers Change Preferences

Apple’s iOS quickly climbed the ladder of mobile application development popularity until reaching the status of the most preferred smartphone among users.  As smartphone technology emerged and advanced, mobile app developers soon became the lifeblood of the mobile application development industry.  Experts suggest that developer preferences go a long way in determining the smartphone operating system that holds supremacy in the contemporary mobile market.  A rising favorite among developers is the powerful Android platform.

Ovum’s second annual mobile application development survey revealed an interesting point regarding the battle between the iOS and Android platforms.  According to the survey, Android looks set to replace Apple’s iOS in terms of importance to developers. When do industry experts suggest that this replacement will occur?  Many say within the next 12 months.  The circumstances of the situation will certainly deliver a significant blow to the Apple operating system, although the mobile application development survey also suggests that almost all developers support both smartphone platforms.  This is true even despite “a clear vie for ultimate supremacy between the two platforms.”

Mobile application developers are also beginning to focus their efforts on web-based standards including HTML5, according to research. Many professionals in the mobile application development industry now prefer this approach to building cross-platform applications over traditional cross-platform mobile development approaches such as Java, Flash and WAP.

Author of research, Adam Leach, who is also the devices and platforms practice leader at Ovum, explains that the success of a smartphone platform is also dictated by a healthy economy of applications delivered by third-party developers, and not just by the pull of consumers and the push of handset vendors and mobile operators.

Still, all players in the mobile application development ecosystem need to understand the choices made among developers and the downstream impact of those choices, according to the experts in the industry.

Light Speed Solutions is a software development company specializing in mobile application development services.

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