Reasons Behind Long Term Care CLASS Act’s Cancellation
The government has been consistent with its goal of giving the public wider Long term care plan coverage and more policy options that would not give them a hard time paying for the usually expensive monthly premiums. But sadly, the cheap rates of some of the programs, such as the long term care CLASS Act in particular, also cause its immediate downfall.
Late last year, after almost 20 months after it was signed into law, the CLASS Act was cancelled by the Department of Health and Human Services citing that the program is “financially unsound” and “totally unsustainable”.
The program was signed into law by President Obama on March of 2010, giving high expectations, not only from the public but from the government officials as well. For a while, they thought that this would finally end the long years of waiting for an LTC plan option that would be applicable to all the United States residents in general. But as it turned out, it only gave false hopes to the people especially to those who are considered to belong below the poverty level.
Originally, the program would be mandatory to all working individuals. The employees will be automatically enrolled to the program and will pay for the cheap premiums through salary deduction. Their employers will make the deduction and the collected premiums will be put into the trust fund. The employers were also given the option to pay for a certain portion of the premiums under the long term care CLASS Act policies to make it more easier for the employees, but this is not mandatory. However, if an individual already own a private LTC plan, he may opt to cancel his enrollment in the program.
Although the premiums were collected at the start of 2011, policyholders may only start getting their policy benefits after five years of enrollment and continuous payment of the premiums. Also, other guidelines and conditions of the program were not yet fully determined even until the time of its cancellation. This is yet another reason why the program may be too weak to address and deal with the possible outburst of policy owners in the coming years.
It promised a monthly premium of as low as $22 for certain people like working students and those who earn below the poverty line.
Some officials who believe that the program must be given a little more time to prove its effectiveness are saddened by the fact that it was cancelled “way too early”.
But due to the incessant increase on the rates and costs of LTC services, it was determined that by the time the first batch of policy owners receive their benefits, the insurance fund might not be enough to cover all their LTC needs because of the cheap premiums.
Much hype was given when the long term care CLASS Act was presented to the public but it even made bigger news when it was cancelled due to its ineffectiveness to shoulder the LTC needs of the public. Because of this, the government is working doubly hard to come up with another program that would finally resolve the issues and concerns regarding the LTC-related issues and requirements of the majority of the people.