Five Reasons Why You Should Buy Your LTC Insurance Policy Early
Advices such as plan your future now and buy your long term care insurance policy early are often heard or read especially now that the economy is still struggling to regain its former stable status and strong condition. The government, together with some private sectors and insurance providers in the country often use these phrases to encourage and convince more and more American residents to insure themselves to prevent further financial complications in the future.
But those who are not yet fully convinced of the necessity and urgency of LTC insurance plans feel and doubt that there is no need to panic and buy one now. They feel that there are a lot more important things to prioritize than to spend their money paying for the costly monthly premiums that these kinds of insurance policies usually have.
It is a known fact that LTC plans are quite pricey and expensive and cannot easily be acquired particularly by those individuals who are earning just the right amount of money to compensate for their family’s everyday needs. However, we also cannot deny that LTC plans are really important and must be given as much priority as the other necessities that we have.
As of the latest survey, there are only 20 million who are presently insured and own an LTC insurance plan that could help them pay their LTC needs in the future, as compared to the whopping 42 million residents who are still uninsured and have to purchase their own LTC insurance policy.
Now, since one of the major factors why some Americans opt to cancel or delay their plan acquisition is the expensive monthly rates, here are some reasons why it is still better to buy your LTC insurance policy early:
- The rates and monthly premiums of LTC plans continue to increase as the years pass by. In fact, it increases by as much as 20 percent every year, making it pricier and harder to avail.
- Age and health issues may also affect the price of a specific LTC plan. Those who are younger and do not have present major health concerns get cheaper rates most of the time. This is because they are the ones who do not need immediate LTC coverage whereas those who are older would definitely require receiving these services much sooner.
- The younger family members should not worry or be bothered any longer once the older relative’s health starts to get weaker. His LTC insurance plan will definitely cover and shoulder all his health needs as written on his policy contract.
- The policy owner does not have to worry about the increasing rates of LTC policies because an LTC feature called inflation protection protects his plan. This particular feature can regulate the value of his insurance plan according to the current costs of LTC services even if his policy was bought at a lower price.
- LTC insurance plans not only give access to receive and use services and facilities, they also give the policyholders peace of mind and a more relaxed life after their retirement years.
Later on, when you begin to face the challenges and consequences of being weak without any insurance plan to take care of you and to assist you in paying your LTC needs, you will definitely realize the importance of why you should buy your LTC insurance policy early. So do not let this happen to you. Start planning your future now and make the wisest decision of acquiring your own LTC policy.