Types of in ground pool cleaners
Keeping the swimming pools clean is essential from aesthetic as well as health point of views. A number of manufacturers make various types of in ground pool cleaners and these automatic pool cleaners have become quite popular due to their efficiency. This type of cleaners is perfect for a continuous operation and designed in different types and sizes to be suitable for various types of surface finishing. These cleaners come in varieties and the basic operating differences of these cleaners divide them in distinct classes. These are robotic pool cleaners, pressure side cleaners and suction side cleaners. Due to the popularity, you will find several brands of these cleaners in the market.
While making a selection for in ground pool cleaners, an owner has to consider which type of cleaner is most suitable for the purpose. For example, those who lay preference to easy installation will find the suction-side cleaners most convenient. The older designs of these cleaners work with the support of the pool’s filtration system. The robotic cleaners are the latest in the family of automatic cleaners, which are quite independent and work without the support of pool’s system.
The robotic pool cleaners are self sufficient in ground pool cleaners. These are fast performers and function independently from the pool’s circulation and filtration system. These cleaners are provided with internal motor for movement within the pool. It is noteworthy that these cleaners work on a low voltage thus much safe to handle as well as save power. The transformer supplied with the cleaner is required to be connected with the mains and the cleaner is connected with the transformer to draw low voltage power. These cleaners have their own suction and filtration system. The in-built power of sensitivity helps the robotic cleaners to diagnose the areas of a pool that need attention.
The design of pressure side in ground pool cleaners is made for working with the support of a pool’s circulation systems hence need to be connected with return side of the system. These cleaners make use of the return pressure of the circulation system of the pool hence need to be connected to the return side of the circulation. Some of the brands of pressure side cleaners are provided with a booster pump to enhance the pressure of the cleaner for dislodging the accumulated debris. Sucked up debris is collected in the bags which need to be cleaned from time to time as such these cleaners do not create an additional load on the pool’s filtration system. These pool cleaners are better suited for the pools which are located in a garden with dense foliage and receive a large amount of twigs and leaves, etc.
Suction side pool cleaners are designed for creating the force of suction on the underside of the machine to collect the debris while moving around inside the pool. The collected debris is delivered into pool’s strainer through a hose. Basically, these in ground pool cleaners work with the support of pool’s filtration pump for both movement and suction of debris.
The barracuda pool cleaners or the baracuda pool cleaners are quite popular these days by providing some of the best utilities as pool cleaners.