Winning The Game of Life Easily
Winning and having success in life may not be easy. But it is not as difficult as you thought. It fact, it’s easy as long as you put in the effort and put things into actions. If I would to choose just 3 factors that determine success in life, it will be consistency, focus, and passion.
Consistency – Say no to Procrasinations
Having goals is good and essential, but there are always many steps to take before you reach your final goals. As a result, many gurus and books have mentioned that you must break all your goals into smaller parts. Well, this is something that everyone has no issue with, since it’s just “paperwork”, writing on the paper with no real actions. In order to succeed, we must put in effort (actions!!), time and money towards achieving our goals. Breaking the BIG goal into smaller ones is the first step, the second step is to have the consistency to complete the mini goals daily. That’s where many individuals fail because of procrastinations. You may think that skipping a mini goal is no big deal, since the next day you can do TWO mini goals, but will you? Tomorrow there will be another excuse, another reason. And it will snowball, till many mini goals, and you just decide to give up altogether because it’s too difficult.
Focus – Say No to Temptations
Focus is a big issue. Nowadays there are so many distractions while working on the computer. You have Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, that will keep you engross for hours, and when you decide to go back to your work again, you lost the momentum to do the work you intended to. That’s mins, or hours lost. Personally, when I work on an article or project, I prefer to work without the Internet. I’ll just do a draft outline (very important since you need to know what you want exactly) of what I want to achieve, and then when I get connected to the Internet, I just focus on getting the necessary work done. No alt-tabbing, no social networking, no chat, nothing, just focus and fish the work or the mini-goals.
Passion – Love your work!
Passion and vision are actually two very close contenders. But if I have to choose just 3 factors then passion will be the one. Because without passion, no matter how good or how far your vision is, the journey will become painful for you because you are working for the sake of working. You won’t gain real happiness or joy even when you are earning tons of money. We are humans, and we need to have some form of “mental food”, and/or to feed your emotional needs. So if you are here because you are lost, looking for a sense of direction in your life or career, then I’ll recommend that you find a peaceful place without any distractions for yourself to ponder and consider what you want to do for the next 1 and 5 years from now. Find your passion, and everything will fall in perfectly for you. For me, my passion is in internet marketing. I wish you all the best, and you can always contact me if you wanna discuss anything.
As you know by now, I made a switch from the corporate world and now I make my living and money on the internet and I love every min every second of it. I blog on a variety of topics from gadgets, computing tips, reviews, making money opportunies, and occasionally I’ll talk about motivation, inspiration stuff, and once in a blue moon – my rants lol. I hope to see you at my favorite blog where I write all my stuff. Feel free to add me on google plus, or facebook. Cheers to your success in whatever you do.