Josh Fallis Talks About Approaching Obstacles
When running through an actual obstacle course in a timed competition most people have the sense of urgency to do whatever it takes to make it over the wall. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about life’s obstacles, which most people have trouble overcoming sheerly because they don’t have the mindset. Imagine if everyone approached a life obstacle like it was a challenge on an obstacle course. People would see the challenge ahead of them, continue moving towards it, and then go straight into surpassing it without asking any questions.
Most of the time it’s not the fact that people don’t know what to do, it’s that inner voice of doubt that makes them question whether they’re even capable of doing what they have planned. Josh Fallis believes the saying “Just Do It” is a timeless phrase that will hold true for as long as there are procrastinators in this world. Procrastination is the number one killer of dreams, and action-taking is the number one facilitator.
While planning is an important step in completing any challenge, most people fail to realize that they can plan while they are taking action. There is no reason to spend an exorbitant amount of time in the planning phase without getting anything done. If you do this, at the very least you’re doing nothing but planning for a delay.
Josh Fallis believes that success is an evolving prices in everyone’s life, and that the only way to achieve a desirable level of success is to continue moving on a path that you know will be beneficial. If you want to plan for another course of action while your are moving in your current direction, that is also possible. In other words, there is no reason to halt progress in the name of preparation. Prepare for the next obstacle as you’re approaching it, otherwise you’re just wasting time.
Often times, planning is just an excuse that people use to justify the act of procrastinating, rationalizing with thoughts like “I can’t even start until I know what needs to be done,” or “If i jump into it prematurely I might mess up.” Josh Fallis believes that some degree of shortcoming is inevitable anyways, so trying to eliminate all mistakes through planning is usually a lost cause. Instead, learn from your mistakes by taking action and you’ll have a better understanding of the task at hand in the long run.
Josh Fallis is a competitive professional bodybuilder known for his expertise in fitness and training. Josh enjoys helping promote good health and fitness through blogging and other forms of media. Josh Fallis and his wife Kimberly Fallis announced that they will be Co-Authoring a new book together.