Choosing Keywords

Choosing the keywords you use on your website is a very important step in SEO. If you don’t carefully select the keywords you target then you can end up doing a lot of work and spending a lot of time making something that doesn’t end up being of any use. Sure you might rank number one for ‘world’s biggest lemon’ but if no one is searching it then it’s not much use to anyone.

So instead it’s highly important to make sure that you carefully select the keywords you are going to use and that you take into account the various important factors when you do.

This means first of all doing keyword research. This is something that you can do using the Google Keyword tool which allows you to look at the popularity of searches. The tool is free to use and is designed to be used for advertisers to choose which searchers they want their ads to appear on. You though can use it to decide which topics to write about and which keywords to place into their site design. There are two things to look at here which is the number of monthly searches, as well as the number of monthly local searches. If you are promoting a business that operates locally and that is required to operate locally – such as a hair dressers or a shop on a high street, then you want to look for the number of monthly searches as this will be more relevant to the audience you are targeting. However if you make money mostly from AdSense then you want to draw as many visitors to your site regardless of location. In this case the SEO you use will be targeted to anyone online.

Search engine optimisation though isn’t just about targeting the most popular keyword or phrase. You can do this, but the problem is that the competition will be so great that it’s very hard to get to the top of the rankings. What you need to do then is to try and target a keyword that is going to be popular, but that isn’t too crowded. You would never for instance manage to get a site with the key word ‘bodybuilding’ to the top of Google as there are simply too many sites trying to do the same thing. Something like ‘beginner workouts’ would be a lot more effective.

There are more elements you can include in your keyword choices though too. For instance don’t just think about what’s popular now, but also what will be popular. Truly great search engine optimisation means managing to optimize for the next big thing. This way there won’t be any competition yet, but there will soon be lots of demand. Likewise you can decide whether to target just one keyword or phrase across your entire site – to ‘put all your eggs in one basket’ as it were, or to target a range of keywords around your site on your various pages and articles.

There are many elements to good SEO. Follow the links for search engine optimisation to help with keyword selection and more.

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