Know what to look for in MT liability insurance
If you are just starting out in your career as a massage therapist or bodyworker, one of the crucial steps toward opening your own practice—or getting hired by someone else—may be to secure a quality massage therapists insurance policy. Whether or not having massage therapy liability insurance is a requirement for you personally, possessing this kind of coverage and protection remains an important component of good business.
For those massage therapists and bodyworkers who have been in business for many years and are just now considering a massage therapy liability insurance policy—or a switch to a different massage therapy liability insurance program—there are several key points of coverage to look for in a high quality massage therapy liability insurance policy. Those practitioners who are just starting our in their careers can use these guidelines to find a solid massage therapy liability insurance plan as well.
First of all, make sure the massage therapy liability insurance policy you choose is affordable. There is no reason to pay more money for the same coverage you can find on a more affordable massage therapy liability insurance plan. As a general rule, you should try to find a policy that costs you less than a couple hundred dollars per year. The caveat to this rule is that you need to make sure the plan provides all the necessary forms of coverage for a massage therapist or bodyworker.
The first kind of coverage you will need in your massage therapy liability insurance policy is called general liability insurance. This portion of your policy will be there to protect you and your practice in case a client ever has an accident on the property. For example, if a client somehow falls off the massage table—as hard as that may be to imagine, it is a rare but real possibility—and decides to sue you for the broken arm or head injury that was a result of the fall.
Easier to imagine might be a client who simply trips and breaks her wrist, whether in the hallway of your practice space on walking up the sidewalk on your property. In all of these cases, you would need the general liability coverage of a massage therapy liability insurance policy to protect your career and your assets in any legal proceedings. In the industry, general liability insurance is often referred to as “slip and fall” insurance, and now you know why.
A second type of coverage you need to make sure is included in your massage insurance policy is called professional liability insurance, or malpractice insurance. This part of your massage therapy liability insurance policy will be there to provide protection in case a client ever claims damage or injury due to a lack of skill or competence on your part as the professional massage therapist or bodyworker.
A third key portion of protection that you should get with any high quality massage therapy liability insurance program is called product liability insurance. This part of your plan is designed to provide coverage in case a client claims damage or injury due to a product used during the session.