Shaft Sinking Trenchless Technology
As there is huge increase in global economic level, the need of additional power supply is required today. Shaftsinking is also called as shaft mining, which is used to excavate a vertical or non vertical tunnel from top drown. It is very important to provide the electricity generation sources, which even operates in peak period. It becomes very difficult to use shaftsinking method in solid rock, where there is less water content. Shafts are usually in circular or rectangular and lined with wood, masonry, concrete, steel or cast iron. Shaft operations are categorized into three parts. Reaching up to the rock head, sinking through the rock and sinking through the abnormal difficult ground. The sinking cycle include many operations such as drilling, blasting, mucking, hoisting, shaft lining and some auxiliary operations.
In drilling method three types of cuts are made such as wedge cut, step cut and pyramid cut. Pyramid cut is used most often. To support shafting method two types of lining is used namely permanent and temporary. As the new technologies developed it becomes essential to use the new techniques in shaftsinking. Some of the new techniques used such as piling system, cementation, freezing method, grouting and shotcrete. Blasting is the best method used for shaftsinking.
The methods of shaftsinking are categorized into three groups, which are as follows:
Benching method, spiral method and full bottom method. In case of benching method, one half of the shaft is drilled and other half is left as a sump. This type of drilling is done by hand. Countries like Canada used spiral method, where the shafting is done in spiral way. Use of equipments plays an important role, where large amount of word is done. The third method, which is full bottom method, is used in either rectangular or round sections.
Impacts followed in shaftsinking:
The shafts sinking have the capability to block the streets and roads, which cause traffic around it. Cutting some trees and cleaning the area of construction and bad effects on soil, which make bad vibrations.
How does shaftsinking processed?
Normally shaftsinking through rock is done by blasting. Electricity is passed through to fire the material, when the holes are drilled. In ordinary rectangular shaft the lining consists of timbers 20 or 30 cm. Shafts, which are permanent would be circular. In the places where excessive water is used, cast-iron tubing is preferred.
There shanfsinking is used for many purpose. It is mainly used for both underpinning and wet caisson construction. These shafts are used in applications such as hydro electric projects, water supply, waste water shafts and tunnel projects. Vertical shaft sinking machine is used in such process, where it consists of special type of units that are used in both stable and unstable soils.
It is very essential to select the best shaftsinking service provider. Companies like terra solutions use modern equipment and offer shaftsinking services in United Kingdom.
Terra Solutions is a leading trenchless civil engineering contractor specilaising in Shaft sinking