Karaoke queens
In case you didn’t know Karaoke is a bad bit of coined Japanese. Kara in Japanese means empty in this usage, It can also mean from. Just as Karate means empty hand or from the hand; ‘kara’ – empty, from & ‘te’ – hand or fist.
Oke on the other hand has no meaning in Japanese but is instead one of those adapted English words meaning orchestra. So Karaoke means”From the Orchestra”. It is therefore a video of the music and beat of a song with the actual verbal sound track stripped out and instead a printout of the lyrics which are highlighted or pointed to as the music plays through, thus enabling a singer to sing the words in time to the music.
But it wasn’t really originally Japanese as Mitch Miller had a sing along show on American TV in the 60s which did pretty much the same thing. However the first proper machines cama available in Japan in the early 70s and thereafter spread throughout the world.
In Japan itself Karaoke is still a favorite pastime and many an evening out with friends will involve spending a few hours in a Karaoke studio. Each studio is soundproofed and the groups, sometimes as large as 12 will be able to select songs and they all pass the microphones around. There are a great many establishment which have karaoke studios as well as many places that have karaoke as part of a scheduled evening entertainment in a sort of open mike night. A good karaoke hoster can encourage many a shy person to actually stand up and sing in front of a crowd of people they do not know.
It is the same in the US and much of the west where karaoke is still popular and the Karaoke evening at a local bar will be well attended with all sorts of people getting up to sing to what are usually well known pop songs.
When the first KTV boxes were develop they were fairly cumbersome and consisted of a whole series of large disks. This however has now changed and all the Karaoke Software imaginable can be stored on a few hard disks. Karaoke machines can be coupled with digital jukeboxes and ae useful anywhere one would like a variety of music. Jukebox software is constantly being updated and includes thousands upon thousands of songs of all genres.
Karaoke is still immensely popular and a karaoke show presenter is a good draw card for any switched on bar owner or maybe at organized events like town fairs. Most people like to sing and the ambience and the video with the lyrics laid out for you is ideal,
If you are a bar or a restaurant owner or if you are organizing or managing an event you are recommended to think about including karaoke as one of the draw cards. And with a good karaoke presenter you will be able to attract many people who will be eager to get up and sing along to a user friendly karaoke song.