All on 4 Dental Implants: A Comprehensive Look at a Breakthrough Surgical Protocol, Part 2

In our previous article post, we began this four-part series with an introduction to the All on 4 dental implant protocol. We took a brief look at the statistics of tooth loss in the United States, which indicates the necessity of a solution to edentulism (not having a single original adult tooth left) and rampant tooth loss; one that is more sophisticated than traditional technologies, such as removable dentures. In this article, the second installment of the series, we shall be walking you through the procedure involved in having All on 4 dental implants placed.

All on 4 Dental Implants: The Surgical Placement Protocol

Any dental treatment or procedure begins with a consultation with a qualified and experienced professional. During this time, a patient’s oral problems are thoroughly assessed and a treatment plan outlined. On the day of the surgery itself, patients have the choice of taking an oral sedative should they so wish. The placement of the All on 4 dental implants is often performed utilizing Intravenous (IV) Anesthesia to ensure the comfort of the patient. The surgical component generally takes place in the following steps:

  • All on 4 Dental Implants # 1: All remaining failing teeth (if any) are extracted and the mouth thoroughly cleaned to eliminate chronic bacterial infections before the placement of the All on 4 dental implants.
  • All on 4 Dental Implants # 2: The oral surgeon will surgically insert two titanium implant posts in anterior (front) portion of the mouth (see diagram below).
  • All on 4 Dental Implants # 3: Another two, implant posts are inserted at an angle further back in the jaw. This angulation enables the surgeon to avoid damaging vital structures in the mouth, such as the nerve canal in the lower jaw and the sinus cavity in the upper jaw. It also reaps maximum support from the existing jaw bone volume, thus providing full and uncompromised ‘anchorage’ for the prosthetic dental bridge. It is this configuration of All on 4 dental implants that makes new teeth in a day, in a single surgery a possibility, in most cases, regardless of the advanced degree of bone loss in the jaw.
  • All on 4 Dental Implants # 4: Once the implants have been inserted, the surgery is concluded and the patient will be allowed to recover from the anesthesia. At this juncture, the prosthodontist will take over the procedure. He or she will attach a fully customized and non-removable prosthetic dental bridge to the abutments of the All on 4 dental implants. This has been fabricated in a laboratory from molds that were previously taken of the patient’s mouth.
  • All on 4 Dental Implants # 5: Once the patient is happy with the fit and feel of the bite, they are allowed to return home to fully recover. They will receive post-procedural instructions for the care of their new teeth, as well as prescription analgesics (pain-killers) to help manage any discomfort.

All on 4 Dental Implants: Stay Tuned

In our next article installment, part 3 of 4, we shall explain why All on 4 dental implants offer patients a far more sophisticated and comprehensive solution to tooth loss than traditional tooth replacement technologies; namely, removable dentures or false teeth. And in the final article installment of the series, we shall be looking at the benefits of this breakthrough surgical protocol over traditional dental implant techniques.

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