Why Does Your Enterprise Need Supply Chain Management Solutions?

Increased market competition and globalization has made supply chain management an essential and important concern for every company. Supply chain management is all about attaining the apt things at the right place and time. It helps in enhancing business performance by searching out ways to make the goods reach the customers faster, better and cheaper.

Typically, the stakeholders in a supply chain comprises of manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, distributors and customers. Hence, supply chain management aims at the total movement of services and products from one end of this chain to the other, through various stages in order to enhance the profitability, productivity and efficiency of the overall process. When a customer has got direct admission to global suppliers, the percentage of competing vendors in any section is huge. Global markets compel enterprises to retain competitive price range. Hence, the capacity to produce a given good at a lesser price can offer any enterprise tremendous competitive advantage regardless of its territorial location. Furthermore, increased volumes in global market add in sustainability to the bottom-line. In short, supply chain management is all about attaining higher volumes and service levels without having to raise expenses.

Eminent service providers today have introduced supply chain management solutions that lead to several cost benefits. Some of them are as follows:-

  • Minimized logistics expenses by 30% with the help of order and shipment consolidation
  • Minimized logistics management staff globally by 70%
  • Results in automated processing of 90% of orders and even more
  • Minimized the count of warehouses from 70 to 3
  • Minimized stock by 30%
  • Helps in attaining real-time visibility into ongoing order fulfillment logistics flow
  • Minimized transport invoice expenses through an improved control of carriers’ invoices
  • Minimized environmental impact through lesser locations and improved shipment consolidation

These leading service providers today utilize Cloud Process and provide efficient order management system hat enables the users to have a clear idea of whatever is taking place in the flow. At the same time, it results in better effective logistics planning and consolidation, as well as intervening with the appropriate measures as and when it is required.

To conclude, supply chain management solutions are looked upon as a medium or channel that functions between vertically integrated firms. That means here the overall material flow is administered by one firm and those where every channel partner operates independently. Therefore, a co-ordination between the various players in the chain is what results in the overall success. In addition to other innovative features, service providers of supply chain management also specialize in efficient purchase order software.

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