Walking in my FIFA dream

Hi everyone ,I’m Janster .This is my story .I love football ,i’m a huge fun of Arsenal .They drive me crazy .I started to watch football game when I was 13 .That was a silent night ,I turned on the TV ,a football game popped out .I told myself ,maybe i can give it a shot ,now I already can’t remember what the match was ,but I can figure out that was my first match ,and winner was Arsenal .the team of my life ,the religion of my mind .the red of my sky.

Time goes like the river ,never left one piece .But my love to Arsenal didn’t lose a little bit .I watch their every game ,care about every player ,buy their every uniform .I’m happy when they win. I’m sad when they lose .Maybe that’s because they have already carved a symbol in my heart .I assume I am one of them .Fighting with them ,dancing with them .But I know ,that’s all my imagination.

Things got a little change now ,I’m playing a football game called FIFA12 ,wow , this is unbelieveble ,it almost reproduce the reality .Every action ,every move ,every skill ,just like the games we watch on TV .I know maybe i can’t be a pro player forever ,but in the virtual world ,I can be a good one .So I created myself in the game ,of course in Arsenal ,I play ST ,the partner of van Persie .We rule all.

Even though I did all of these ,i still feel someting is missing .oh right ,i need to share with my friends. I want to record some display and make them a video .But the problems are what softwares I should choose .

First ,I use fraps to record the fragment . That’s pretty easy .But how to combine them to a complete video .That got me .After a long time searching ,I finally found a perfect one .the name is Tipard total media converter .

Tipard Total Media Converter, universal DVD and video file Media Converter, is a really advanced total video converter for you to convert DVDs, or videos , audios, and then sync them to your mobile players, like iPod, iPhone, PSP, Zune, Creative Zen, Nokia, other MP4, MP3 players and so forth. Also you can extract audio from video or DVD, and then convert it to any audio format at will. Plus, after comprehensive upgrade, this converter has adopted NVIDIA® CUDA™ technology, AMD APP Acceleration and multi-core CPUs supporting technology, the converting performance is superior than ever before.

Not many people can really be pro players ,most of funs just cheer for their heros like me .But we are happy ,nobody can take this from me.

Janster is the author of this post.

If you want to know more about Total Media Converter,iPad Games,Apple News ,please click here


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