Things to know when you are a diabetic
Having a diabetes means that you have a metabolic disorder. It can either mean that you are taking more amount of food that will be processed by the body into an energy source and there is not enough insulin to do the job or your cells is no longer responding the way that it is supposed to in the presence of the insulin. When you take in food, the food will be converted into glucose which is an energy source for the body. That means that the glucose will now be added into the bloodstream to reach every cell in the body. However, the cell cannot take in glucose without any intermediary. That is where the insulin came in. Insulin serves as a way for glucose to be an energy source for the cells. If there is not enough insulin in the body, the glucose will be stuck in the bloodstream that will result into having a high blood sugar level. Another way is that even though you have the right number of insulin to accommodate the glucose, the cells are not responding to the way that they have to respond. Either way, it is diabetes.
There are ways to know if you have diabetes. One is the frequency of trips to the bathroom. That is the result of the body’s mechanism in disposing the excess glucose. The body tries to dilute the solution of glucose for it to be discharge. That mechanism will also cause unquenchable thirstiness. The body uses unusual extra amount of fluids in handling the glucose in the bloodstream.Humalog insulin is one of the insulin widely used for the treatment of diabetes.
Eating balance food, exercise and lots of water is a good start in treating diabetes. However, there are still better medical treatments that are why visiting your doctor to have a regular blood sugar checkup is strongly advised. When dealing with diabetes, know that your sugar intake will not be limited to zero. You will still take in foods with sugar but at a bare minimum. Sugar is necessary for the body to produce glucose, the body’s energy source. Just know that when dealing with diabetes, self-control and proper diet is the key to the condition. You should always consider eating non starchy foods unlike potatoes and other foods rich in carbs.Click on the website to know more.