The most beneficial storage solution bed frames for your kids

Over the past several years we’ve noticed a huge increase in the different styles of children beds that have come about and it has got pretty overpowering. For this reason, I want to make the whole process of picking your little ones bed a lot easier simply by telling you the ranges that are offered so you’re able to be sure you are making the right decision.

The first bed type which I want to talk about is Bunk Beds.

You see bunk beds are most likely the most preferred bed choice whenever having two children as it isn’t only a huge space saver but a cost saver. When it comes to choice, you can’t go wrong with this range, it’s well over doubled over the past year or so and it has provided us an outstanding selection. One particular great new model to be invented is the triple bunk bed, the way this particular bunk bed has been made is to have a single bed as the top bunk and a twin bed for the bottom part bunk. This enables you to keep your kids sharing bedrooms when your eldest out grows the single bed.

Because of this innovation, we have now seen a huge host of different designs that have begun to accommodate more towards a single kid but whilst keeping to the bunk bed layout and simply implementing the space underneath the top bunk for other functions. For example, we now have options of getting a full size couch beneath the bed which then folds completely flat to turn into a double bed for sleepovers.

After these designs were launched, one new modification was introduced to the normal style children’s bunk beds which gave it the ability to split the top and bottom beds from each other. The best thing about this is that it now enables you to continue using the beds once your kids no longer want bunk beds. With this being said, the actual design which I feel is the best as well as has one of the best use is the model where beneath top bunk you have a completely equipped workdesk with compartments and cabinets throughout the entire area. This helps you save on a huge amount of space and also enables your child to have a dedicated place to complete their home work and studying.

I hope that clears up the options you’ve got for children’s bunk beds but if they aren’t the bed you are wanting then i highly recommend you stay with me as the next bed design has been getting increasingly popular over the last 12 months and they’re referred to as Guest Beds.

Guest beds have become the second major bed design for children and for good reason. As we know youngsters enjoy playing and they specially enjoy playing with their close friends however the dilemma for us parents is they want their friends to sleep over and we have no place to put them. This problem can now be a thing of the past as a result of Guest Beds.

These types of beds are smartly created to appear like a normal individual bed but with an additional feature. You see, what I mean is that beneath the bed you have what’s called a trundle that has a 2nd mattress on it. The trundle has wheels and legs on it so when you want to use it simply take it out from under the bed and fold out the legs to provide you with a fully sized second bed. Plus the great thing about it is that when you don’t need it, it won’t consume important room and is just neatly hidden underneath the main bed.

Well this wraps up my article; I really hope it’s helped make the process of choosing your kids bed simpler and best of luck.

If you would like the full info on how to go about picking childrens beds then go to this website

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