What Is The Right Time In A Woman’s Menstrual Circle When They Can Get Pregnant
Pregnancy, as fulfilling as it may be, is denied to so many women worldwide yearly. Most of these women who find it difficult to conceive fall in the group of woman with infertility issues. This does not mean they cannot get pregnant, it just means that they may need special attention. One of such things they will be looking keenly at is their best time to conceive. Which as most people say is of utmost importance when trying to conceive.
What Is A Woman’s Best Time To Conceive?
Before a woman would know the best time to conceive, they should know their menstrual cycle. It is also best to observe and closely pay attention to the body and physical signs of ovulation as well.
The usual cycle of a woman is 28 days which starts on the first day of each period per month. On the 14th day, ovulation takes place. The life span of sperm inside the woman’s body is about five days. It will take time the egg to move around the body thus there’s plenty of time to let the sperm and egg meet. A woman can be fertile about 5 days before and 5 days after ovulation. If a woman has a longer cycle, it means that the ovulation period is later.
In order for a couple to successfully conceive a baby, correct timing should be done. The best time to conceive is from the 11th day up to the 17th day of the period. The couple should have contact every other day and not every day. The ovulation period is during the said days which will give the couple greater chances of conceiving. There are some people who suggest that the couple should have intercourse everyday during the said period but it has been proven by studies that the best time to conceive is to have contact every other day. One of the proven reasons is the sperm is healthier if contact is not made everyday.
The above suggestion is only applicable to women who have the usual 28 days menstrual cycle. If a woman has irregular cycle, it would be harder to know the best time to conceive.
This great infertility cure guide ==> Pregnancy miracle, shows you an original five step holistic infertility cure procedure that has proven to completely reverse infertility in women, and permit them to to get pregnant naturally within just 5 weeks of trying!
Click on the link above, to read more about this guide, and discover how it has been helping tens of thousands of women allover the world with infertility related difficulties.