
If you search the web for simvastatin side effects, on most websites you will read something like: “as a rule, Simvastatin side effects are minor and do not require special treatment” and “most patients tolerate Simvastatin well”. In this light, Simvastatin and other statin drugs seem to be a temptingly effective and easy way to combat Hypercholesterolemia, one of the health issues of our century. Most people will think that Simvastatin side effects are insignificant compared to bad ecology, stress and other dangers that affect their health.

I was one of such people until I learned what simvastatin side effects actually are. I felt pretty well without any health disturbances my body reminded me of. However, after one of the routine examinations when I confessed that I smoke my doctor suggested that I might have high cholesterol and recommended me to take a blood test. The blood test showed cholesterol level over 200. My liver or kidney never reminded me of their existence and my medical history contained nothing alarming. The doctors verdict was “qualified for Simvastatin treatment”.

My wife was worried by the vague but scary figure “over over 200″ and insisted on Simvastatin treatment after we had browsed together for “Simvastatin side effects” and found that most people bear them well. So I started the treatment, however, not able to fancy what sort of improvement to expect for I was feeling fine. Shortly after the treatment I noticed that regular stools (excuse me for that detail) became an issue. I linked it to diet changes of the past week and not to Simvastatin side effects. And shortly after, the opposite thing occurred with was not passed to an account of Simvastatin side effects but the berries which probably went bad. Than my bowels calmed down. Slight muscle pain and weakness ware deemed the result of my spring gardening workout, though it never resulted in muscle pain before. However, the doctor said it was normal while on Simvastatin.

I used to jog from time to time and I never had that nagging pain in the right side that often breaks down untrained runners. So, one day after being on Simvastatin for a couple of months I started my regular workout and after 3 hundred yards the feeling of being hooked under my right ribs bent me other. I was unable to move for some time and hardly able to breathe and the heart rate was crazy. Next day or a couple of days after my skin became yellowish and I was sick. Then there was no doubt that these were the dreaded Simvastatin side effects. I was taken to the hospital and discontinued the pills. After a series of unpleasant procedures I was normal and never ventured on Simvastatin again. That was a good lesson. I investigated Simvastatin side effects on the web again, I read a bit more and I learned many things and was happy that my Simvastatin experience ended in a few months. It made me sick to think it could last for years and the consequences!

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