Pay Reasonable Premium for Your Long Term Care Insurance
Do you find long term care insurance premiums way beyond your means? Maybe you’ve been reading too much and spending a great amount of time putting yourself in the shoes of other people specifically the senior lot.
Performing in-depth research on long term care insurance (LTCI) is definitely helpful, but if you start developing fears as you imagine yourself in the place of policyholders who are currently paying a chunk of their money for the annual premium of their LTCI coverage, then what you’re doing is nowhere near healthy anymore.
What you are doing can derail you from your plan. Instead of pursuing a goal which has started all right, your fears will draw you away from it until it dawns on you one day that it’s too late to plan your long term care (LTC).
Before anything derails you from your plan, acknowledge the fact that considering an LTCI policy for your LTC is an intelligent decision. There is no other product that is capable of offering the benefits which this type of insurance product is designed to provide.
Quality care in one’s preferred setting, asset protection and absolute financial freedom are just among the many things that an LTCI policy can promise. However, to experience all of these benefits you have to comply first with certain conditions such as the following:
* Visit a doctor to determine the type of care which you are likely to require in the future
* Canvass the cost of care in your area
* Assess your nest egg and retirement money
* Avoid a very high maximum benefit amount but consider a 5 percent annual compound inflation protection to ensure the initial amount of your benefits will increase in a period of 14 years
* Pay your premium religiously
Long Term Care Insurance Premiums
As the buyer of an LTCI policy you have the right to dictate how much you are willing to pay for your coverage.
It is ideal to have a perfect comprehensive LTCI policy but it is not reasonable. Perfect because of a high maximum benefit amount such as $700,000 for a five-year benefit period. Its elimination period is probably 30 days plus the fact that it has a 5 percent annual compound inflation protection.
However, if you purchase this kind of policy despite knowing that you won’t be needing care beyond three years, you’ll end up overspending on your annual premium. What’s more, you can extend the life of your coverage if you went for a longer waiting period instead of just 30 days since you are, after all, capable of paying for three months of home care.
You don’t have to aim for the perfect LTCI policy because if you do you could lose all of your assets. By negotiating for a policy that falls within your budget, you have bigger chances of preserving your assets.
Know what factors trigger high long term care insurance premiums and stay away from them. Bear in mind that your LTC plan should not revolve around money, instead, it should be right in the palm of your hand where you can see it clearly so that you can estimate what needs to be estimated.