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Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, Warren Buffet. They are three of the top educators in the world, teaching ordinary individuals stuck in the rat race how to escape and build a recurring cash flow from business, network marketing, traditional investments (stocks, cash and property) and I highly admire and respect them. The thing is, it doesn’t really matter how you get there, as long as you get there. Well, I’m here to share with you a little about my story, and the road I chose.
Ever wondered how my space, face book and twitter got their start. They all share humble beginnings started by college graduates before being sold off to Gates and google’s of this world. So why would the worlds richest men recommend and invest millions upon billions of dollars in social media and the internet. Remember a couple of years ago when Google made headlines paying an extraordinary $2 billion (yes, that’s 9 figures) for YouTube.
Still curious…well, its certainly no coincidence that’s the most powerful and largest corporations ever to walk the planet are realising that the big money these days is being made on the internet. But it begs the question, why is the internet such a powerful money making machine. And how can you, yes you, get a piece of the action? And believe me, this is one big pie so there is plenty to go around.
Not long ago, I asked myself the same question, and couldn’t rest until I had the answer, the secret formula, the proven method for extracting dollars from the worlds largest network ever built, connecting billions, crossing continents, and the greatest single shift in infrastructure dollars since the electrical grid spawned thousands of users to connect their homes to the powerpoint to power their light bulbs back in the day of Thomas Edison, and still to this day!
Then came along yet another college entrepreneur who took what was already working and made it user friendly for even the oldies. And guess what, today we have more than 500 million Facebook users worldwide as of July 2010 and counting. Not bad growth for a site started in just 2004. In fact, if you still aren’t convinced how influential the internet really is, check out this video and it might strike you with an idea or two as two how big this internet stuff really is:
So by now I am assuming you have watched this video and accepted a few things about this game, it big and its full of dollars.
The best part, it has never been an easier or better time for you to get in and get rich. But the question for you is, will you?
Only you can answer that.
But before I go into the blueprint for making money online, I’d like to tell you what the internet is not. And this is something not many internet marketers care to tell you, because well, people just don’t like to hear it.
No method for making money online will happen overnight, no method can guarantee you to make money at all and no method will work forever. So if your serious about building a recurring income, expect to be a little patient and to be a little challenged. Many of the systems and ‘secrets’ being sold do work, but they need to be applied and refined to whatever product or niche you may wish to operate in and promote.
However, there is good news.
Even though making money online can be hard work, there are a few of us that have done much of it for you, so all that’s left is for you to pick up where we left off and plug the power tools we have pre-sharpened into the electricity to get things going.
Now you might be wondering, if what you are about to offer me is so good, why are you giving it away? The simple answer is, as I explained earlier, the internet is a network. Yet networks are only powerful when they are leveraged. So in setting up a ready to go business for you, we are making sure that it is as easy as possible for what we have done to be duplicated again and again. And every time someone like you makes money by simply duplicating what we know already works, we are able to reach far more people and build a far bigger network, faster than we can alone, just as you would meeting people and making a group of friends on face book. Its faster when people introduce you to their network of friends. By sharing information, everyone wins.
The system I have to show you today is one based on the principles of affiliate marketing. For those of you completely new to the concept, affiliate marketing is purely people referring people to an online product, in this case, our ready made money making sites. And just by bringing us sales, you take a commission. Its that simple. Except, the beauty of online is that once you set it up, once you get it up and running, it will continue to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year bringing in an ongoing income in your pocket, whether or not the alarm goes off and whether or not you decide to get out of bed. I really would not have imagined it to be so true unless I had been shown so myself. And I was, and now I’m showing you so you can get free and start controlling your own time, rather than trading the best 40 hours of your week to your boss. The reality is, we all are either working to build assets for ourselves that will set us free or working to build up the assets of others to set some other guy free. Its you choice! I made mine a couple of months back and life will never be the same. So now is decision time for you. Isn’t it about time you got a break and stopped working hard for everybody else’s benefit but yours. Is you comfort zone really that comfortable that you are too cosy to step out. Or is it really just that it’s secure and predictable. I must warn you though, if you aren’t happy with your current lifestyle, by changing nothing and procrastinating, nothing changes. Your situation tomorrow will be no different to today.
It saddens me that many people just believe that everyone else must be more motivated, more confident, more clever, more whatever? These are just excuses to rationalise why you don’t need to take action. Step out, dare to be different and be a leader for yourself, for your family and for a better life. You only need one person to believe in you in this world to succeed, and that person is you.
Go to and get free.
To have the life you imagine you have to step out and go get it, it will never come to you. The only difference between the winner and the loser, is the winner never accepted defeat, so fail until you succeed.
The choice is yours.
Your partner in success,
Steven Rush
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