Pet Safety Belts. Drive Safely, with your Dog.

As anyone who has ever tried to hold a mutt in a car knows, it is far from an casual task. Though, at times, they will be docile, they are prone to a variety of problems: because they are not belted in, they are far more vulnerable to accident and serious impairment than human passengers. In addition, they are often rowdy and rambunctious animals; if a pooch tries to jump into the driver seat of a car from the backseat, the results will be disastrous, especially if the doggy puts his paws on the wheel or gets under the driver’s feet. But it seems that the only alternative to this recipe for disaster is to keep your puppy in a cage in the back – difficult to accomplish and lonely for your doggy. The only key for that would be a safety belt for canines. but that’s impossible!

Or is it?

At last, a safety harness for pets has been developed. It is a simple belt (not unlike a seat belt) that is designed to secure your puppy and keep them in the backseat at all times without relegating them to a cage, as well as keeping them safe as a human in the event of an accident. In reality, the ‘seat belt’ in this case is a full-body, nylon-polymer harness with a high enough tensile strength to function as a safety belt, but it does its job admirably, keeping both you and your pets safe.

The pet safety harness may either loop around an existing seat belt, or, using a slightly more expensive metal attachment, latch into the same slot as a normal sfety belt, permitting easy compatibility with any automobile and reducing the amount of work you need to do if you need to move your dog fast. In addition, the seat belt itself comes in four different sizes, each of which is adjustable – eliminating the need for rigorous measurements and permitting you to simply pop it on your doggy when you need to go.

Just making seat belts for persons is no longer sufficient. When a doggy is in the backseat without a pet safety harness, neither the dog nor the human beings driving it are truly safe. The kindest answer for both pup and human is to use a pet safety belt – eliminating both the dangers of a potential crash and the sadness of having to cage your pup whenever you want to go on a journey. Now, both dogs and humans will have a safer time on the road – and, perhaps, a better time.

Justin Thyme is a freelance journalist for pet magazines and websites like Pet Safety Belts. He lives with his handicapped dog in Boston. If you’re looking for reviews or information on Pet Safety Belts to help your best friend live a more comfortable life be sure to visit us at Handicapped Pets today.

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