Characters Perspectives in Axis Powers Hetalia Cosplay

The major issue surrounding Hetalia is whether it goes too far. It exaggerated the flaws and merits of a certain country transparently. It’s only offensive to viewers who are actively looking to be offended. Hetalia’s producers created playful caricatures based on well-established, national stereotypes. The result is a comical, and often brilliant, series that highlights the absurdity of these nationalist preconceptions. If one nation was presented as the ideal, perfect character whereas all the rest were fatally flawed, then you could argue that Hetalia is offensive or dangerous. Funny for Axis Powers Hetalia Cosplay is acceptable for cosplayers. No nations, however, are spared from the good-natured ribbing; the comedy is so over-the-top that it’s difficult, if not impossible, to take the show seriously.

The instant the trailer began, the gaggle of cosplaying teenage girls sitting next to me squealed and stomped. The banshee cries did not let up through the entire trailer. My eardrums rang cries of mercy. I tuned out the trailer, more concerned with protecting what was left of my sanity than what was on the screen. For two years, I dismissed Hetalia as a teeny-bopper, yaoi-infested, girls’ show in Axis Powers Hetalia Cosplay and never gave the show a second glance. How wrong I was. I am not a girl that prefer to trendy ones, like Vocaloid Costumes, yet I am keen on classic scenarios like the yellow Kill Bill Costumes, yeah, that time helps me to recall the happiness that gone forever.

Imagine a history lesson where each country was a character with all the countries’ stereotypes, idiosyncrasies, and dysfunctional relationships. Now imagine that this history lesson was taught by a Japanese manga writer. Unrelenting, maniacal hilarity ensues. Hence, not only for me, but massive anime fans, Axis Powers Hetalia Cosplay can be a priority for convention.

Hetalia unapologetically stereotypes and makes fun of everyone–Japan and America included. Britain is bland and stuffy. France is arrogant and overly concerned with fashion. Canada is America’s aloof and ignored twin brother. You get the idea; no country is spared from the series’ lighthearted wrath. If you can’t find humor in stereotypes about your nationality or any others, then don’t even bother with Hetalia. Different uniforms from diverse country enriched the Axis Powers Hetalia Cosplay partly. Italy serves as Germany’s lovable, but useless, sidekick throughout the series. Germany is a serious, ambitious militant who takes Italy under his wings because of his grandfather’s (Rome) reputation. Big mistake. Regardless of Germany’s efforts to get Italy to man-up, he can’t help but be a helpless, loveable buffoon.

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